Abstract Parameters#
In this example we will show how to create quantum circuits with abstract parameters, ie. parameters that can be specified after the circuit has already been constructed.
>>> from qrisp import QuantumCircuit, PGate
>>> from sympy import Symbol
>>> import numpy as np
Create a QuantumCircuit to operate on
>>> qc = QuantumCircuit(3)
Create a controlled phase gate with a SymPy Symbol \(\phi\) as a parameter.
>>> phi = Symbol("phi")
>>> cp_gate = PGate(phi).control(2, ctrl_state = "00")
>>> qc.h(-1)
>>> qc.append(cp_gate, qc.qubits)
To evaluate the circuit we can now substitute using the bind_parameters
>>> subs_dict = {phi : np.pi/2}
>>> bound_qc = qc.bind_parameters(subs_dict)
>>> print(bound_qc)
qb_34: ──────o───────
qb_35: ──────o───────
┌───┐ │P(π/2)
qb_36: ┤ H ├─■───────
Using the statevector_array
method you can retrieve an array with symbolic entries:
>>> print(qc.statevector_array())
[0.707106769084930 0.70710676908493*exp(1.0*I*phi) 0 0 0 0 0 0]
Even the unitary is available as a symbolic array using the get_unitary
Abstract parameters also work for standalone gate application functions like rx
>>> from qrisp import QuantumVariable, rx
>>> qv = QuantumVariable(4)
>>> rx(phi, qv[0])
>>> theta = Symbol("theta")
>>> rx(theta, qv[1])
Using the statevector
method of the associated QuantumSession, we can retrieve a symbolic ket expression:
>>> qv.qs.statevector()
- sin(phi/2)*sin(theta/2)*|1100> - I*sin(phi/2)*cos(theta/2)*|1000> - I*sin(theta/2)*cos(phi/2)*|0100> + cos(phi/2)*cos(theta/2)*|0000>