Source code for qrisp.algorithms.vqe.vqe_problem

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import time

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from sympy import Symbol

from qrisp import QuantumArray
from qrisp.algorithms.vqe.vqe_benchmark_data import VQEBenchmark
from qrisp.operators.qubit.measurement import QubitOperatorMeasurement
from qrisp.operators.fermionic import FermionicOperator

[docs] class VQEProblem: r""" Central structure to facilitate treatment of VQE problems. This class encapsulates the Hamiltonian, the ansatz, and the initial state preparation function for a specific VQE problem instance. Parameters ---------- hamiltonian : :ref:`QubitOperator` or :ref:`FermionicOperator` The problem Hamiltonian. ansatz_function : function A function receiving a :ref:`QuantumVariable` or :ref:`QuantumArray` and a parameter list. This function implements the unitary corresponding to one layer of the ansatz. num_params : int The number of parameters per layer. init_function : function, optional A function preparing the initial state. By default, the inital state is the $\ket{0}$ state. callback : bool, optional If ``True``, intermediate results are stored. The default is ``False``. Examples -------- For a quick demonstration, we show how to calculate the ground state energy of the $H_2$ molecule using VQE, as explained `here <>`_. :: from qrisp import * from qrisp.operators.qubit import X,Y,Z # Problem Hamiltonian c = [-0.81054, 0.16614, 0.16892, 0.17218, -0.22573, 0.12091, 0.166145, 0.04523] H = c[0] \ + c[1]*Z(0)*Z(2) \ + c[2]*Z(1)*Z(3) \ + c[3]*(Z(3) + Z(1)) \ + c[4]*(Z(2) + Z(0)) \ + c[5]*(Z(2)*Z(3) + Z(0)*Z(1)) \ + c[6]*(Z(0)*Z(3) + Z(1)*Z(2)) \ + c[7]*(Y(0)*Y(1)*Y(2)*Y(3) + X(0)*X(1)*Y(2)*Y(3) + Y(0)*Y(1)*X(2)*X(3) + X(0)*X(1)*X(2)*X(3)) # Ansatz def ansatz(qv,theta): for i in range(4): ry(theta[i],qv[i]) for i in range(3): cx(qv[i],qv[i+1]) cx(qv[3],qv[0]) from qrisp.vqe.vqe_problem import * vqe = VQEProblem(hamiltonian = H, ansatz_function = ansatz, num_params=4, callback=True) energy = = QuantumVariable(4), depth = 1, max_iter=50) print(energy) # Yields -1.864179046 Note that for comparing to the results in the aforementioned paper, we have to add the nuclear repulsion energy $E_{\text{nuc}}=0.72$ to the calculated electronic energy $E_{\text{el}}$. We visualize the optimization process: >>> vqe.visualize_energy(exact=True) .. figure:: /_static/vqeH2.png :alt: VQEH2 :scale: 80% :align: center """ def __init__(self, hamiltonian, ansatz_function, num_params, init_function = None, callback=False): if isinstance(hamiltonian, FermionicOperator): hamiltonian = hamiltonian.to_qubit_operator() hamiltonian = hamiltonian.hermitize() hamiltonian = hamiltonian.eliminate_ladder_conjugates() hamiltonian = hamiltonian.apply_threshold(0) self.hamiltonian = hamiltonian self.ansatz_function = ansatz_function self.num_params = num_params self.init_function = init_function self.cl_post_processor = None # parameters for callback self.callback = callback self.optimization_params = [] self.optimization_costs = [] def set_callback(self): """ Sets ``callback=True`` for saving intermediate results. """ self.callback = True
[docs] def set_init_function(self, init_function): """ Set the initial state preparation function for the VQE problem. Parameters ---------- init_function : function The initial state preparation function for the specific VQE problem instance. """ self.init_function = init_function
[docs] def compile_circuit(self, qarg, depth): """ Compiles the circuit that is evaluated by the :meth:`run <>` method. Parameters ---------- qarg : :ref:`QuantumVariable` or :ref:`QuantumArray` The argument to which the VQE circuit is applied. depth : int The amount of VQE layers. Returns ------- compiled_qc : QuantumCircuit The parametrized, compiled QuantumCircuit without measurements. list[sympy.Symbol] A list of the parameters that appear in ``compiled_qc``. """ temp = list( # Define parameters theta for VQE circuit theta = [Symbol("theta_" + str(i) + str(j)) for i in range(depth) for j in range(self.num_params)] # Prepare the initial state for particular problem instance, the default is the \ket{0} state if self.init_function is not None: self.init_function(qarg) # Apply p layers of the ansatz for i in range(depth): self.ansatz_function(qarg,[theta[self.num_params*i+j] for j in range(self.num_params)]) # Compile quantum circuit compiled_qc = qarg.qs.compile() = temp return compiled_qc, theta
def optimization_routine(self, qarg, depth, mes_kwargs, max_iter, init_type="random", init_point=None, measurement_data=None, optimizer="COBYLA"): """ Wrapper subroutine for the optimization method used in QAOA. The initial values are set and the optimization via ``COBYLA`` is conducted here. Parameters ---------- qarg : :ref:`QuantumVariable` or :ref:`QuantumArray` The argument the cost function is called on. depth : int The amont of VQE layers. mes_kwargs : dict The keyword arguments for the measurement function. max_iter : int The maximum number of iterations for the optimization method. init_type : string, optional Specifies the way the initial optimization parameters are chosen. Available is ``random``. The default is ``random``: Parameters are initialized uniformly at random in the interval $[0,\pi/2)]$. init_point : list[float], optional Specifies the initial optimization parameters. measurement_data : QubitOperatorMeasurement Cached data to accelerate the measurement procedure. Automatically generated by default. optimizer : str, optional Specifies the optimization routine. Available are ``COBYLA``, ``COBYQA``, ``Nelder-Mead``. The Default is "COBYLA". Returns ------- res_sample The optimized parameters of the problem instance. """ # Define optimization wrapper function to be minimized using VQE def optimization_wrapper(theta, qc, symbols, qarg, measurement_data, mes_kwargs): """ Wrapper function for the optimization method used in VQE. This function calculates the expected value of the Hamiltonian after post-processing if a post-processing function is set, otherwise it calculates the expected value of the Hamiltonian. Parameters ---------- theta : list The list of angle parameters for the VQE circuit. qc : QuantumCircuit The compiled quantum circuit. symbols : list The list of symbols used in the quantum circuit. qarg_dupl : :ref:`QuantumVariable` The duplicated quantum variable to which the quantum circuit is applied. mes_kwargs : dict The keyword arguments for the measurement function. Returns ------- float The expected value of the Hamiltonian. """ subs_dic = {symbols[i] : theta[i] for i in range(len(symbols))} expectation = self.hamiltonian.get_measurement(qarg, subs_dic = subs_dic, measurement_data = measurement_data, precompiled_qc = qc, **mes_kwargs) if self.callback: self.optimization_costs.append(expectation) if self.cl_post_processor is not None: return self.cl_post_processor(expectation) else: return expectation if init_point is None: # Set initial random values for optimization parameters if init_type=='random': init_point = np.pi * np.random.rand(depth * self.num_params)/2 #def optimization_cb(x): # self.optimization_params.append(x) # Perform optimization using specified method compiled_qc, symbols = self.compile_circuit(qarg, depth) res_sample = minimize(optimization_wrapper, init_point, method=optimizer, options={'maxiter':max_iter}, args = (compiled_qc, symbols, qarg, measurement_data, mes_kwargs)) return res_sample['x']
[docs] def run(self, qarg, depth, mes_kwargs = {}, max_iter = 50, init_type = "random", init_point=None, optimizer="COBYLA"): """ Run the specific VQE problem instance with given quantum arguments, depth of VQE circuit, measurement keyword arguments (mes_kwargs) and maximum iterations for optimization (max_iter). Parameters ---------- qarg : :ref:`QuantumVariable` or :ref:`QuantumArray` The argument to which the VQE circuit is applied. depth : int The amount of VQE layers. mes_kwargs : dict, optional The keyword arguments for the :meth:`get_measurement <qrisp.operators.qubit.QubitOperator.get_measurement>` function. Default is an empty dictionary. By default, the target ``precision`` is set to 0.01. Precision refers to how accurately the Hamiltonian is evaluated. The number of shots the backend performs per iteration scales quadratically with the inverse precision. max_iter : int, optional The maximum number of iterations for the optimization method. Default is 50. init_type : string, optional Specifies the way the initial optimization parameters are chosen. Available is ``random``. The default is ``random``: Parameters are initialized uniformly at random in the interval $[0,\pi/2)]$. init_point : list[float], optional Specifies the initial optimization parameters. optimizer : str, optional Specifies the `optimization routine <>`_. Available are, e.g., ``COBYLA``, ``COBYQA``, ``Nelder-Mead``. The Default is ``COBYLA``. Returns ------- energy : float The expected value of the Hamiltonian after applying the optimal VQE circuit to the quantum argument. """ # Delete callback self.optimization_params = [] self.optimization_costs = [] if not "precision" in mes_kwargs: mes_kwargs["precision"] = 0.01 measurement_data = QubitOperatorMeasurement(self.hamiltonian) optimal_theta = self.optimization_routine(qarg, depth, mes_kwargs, max_iter, init_type, init_point, measurement_data=measurement_data, optimizer = optimizer) # Prepare the initial state for particular problem instance, the default is the \ket{0} state if self.init_function is not None: self.init_function(qarg) # Apply p layers of the ansatz for i in range(depth): self.ansatz_function(qarg,[optimal_theta[self.num_params*i+j] for j in range(self.num_params)]) opt_res = self.hamiltonian.get_measurement(qarg,**mes_kwargs, measurement_data=measurement_data) return opt_res
[docs] def train_function(self, qarg, depth, mes_kwargs = {}, max_iter = 50, init_type = "random", init_point=None, optimizer="COBYLA"): """ This function allows for training of a circuit with a given instance of a ``VQEProblem``. It will then return a function that can be applied to a :ref:`QuantumVariable`, such that it prepares the ground state of the problem Hamiltonian. The function therefore applies a circuit for the problem instance with optimized parameters. Parameters ---------- qarg : :ref:`QuantumVariable` The argument to which the VQE circuit is applied. depth : int The amount of VQE layers. mes_kwargs : dict, optional The keyword arguments for the :meth:`get_measurement <qrisp.operators.qubit.QubitOperator.get_measurement>` function. Default is an empty dictionary. By default, the target ``precision`` is set to 0.01. Precision refers to how accurately the Hamiltonian is evaluated. The number of shots the backend performs per iteration scales quadratically with the inverse precision. max_iter : int, optional The maximum number of iterations for the optimization method. Default is 50. init_type : string, optional Specifies the way the initial optimization parameters are chosen. Available is ``random``. The default is ``random``: Parameters are initialized uniformly at random in the interval $[0,\pi/2)]$. init_point : list[float], optional Specifies the initial optimization parameters. optimizer : str, optional Specifies the `optimization routine <>`_. Available are, e.g., ``COBYLA``, ``COBYQA``, ``Nelder-Mead``. The Default is "COBYLA". Returns ------- circuit_generator : function A function that can be applied to a :ref:`QuantumVariable`, with optimized parameters for the problem instance. The :ref:`QuantumVariable` then represents the ground state of the problem Hamiltonian. """ if not "precision" in mes_kwargs: mes_kwargs["precision"] = 0.01 measurement_data = QubitOperatorMeasurement(self.hamiltonian) optimal_theta = self.optimization_routine(qarg, depth, mes_kwargs, max_iter, init_type, init_point, optimizer, measurement_data=measurement_data) def circuit_generator(qarg_gen): # Prepare the initial state for particular problem instance, the default is the \ket{0} state if self.init_function is not None: self.init_function(qarg_gen) for i in range(depth): self.ansatz_function(qarg_gen,[optimal_theta[self.num_params*i+j] for j in range(self.num_params)]) return circuit_generator
[docs] def benchmark(self, qarg, depth_range, precision_range, iter_range, optimal_energy, repetitions = 1, mes_kwargs = {}, init_type = "random"): """ This method enables convenient data collection regarding performance of the implementation. Parameters ---------- qarg : :ref:`QuantumVariable` or :ref:`QuantumArray` The quantum argument the benchmark is executed on. Compare to the :meth:`.run <>` method. depth_range : list[int] A list of integers indicating, which depth parameters should be explored. Depth means the amount of VQE layers. precision_range : list[float] A list of floats indicating, which precision parameters should be explored. Precision refers to how accurately the Hamiltonian is evaluated. The number of shots the backend performs per iteration scales quadratically with the inverse precision. iter_range : list[int] A list of integers indicating, what iterations parameter should be explored. Iterations means the amount of backend calls, the optimizer is allowed to do. optimal_energy : float The exact ground state energy of the problem Hamiltonian. repetitions : int, optional The amount of repetitions, each parameter constellation should go though. Can be used to get a better statistical significance. The default is 1. mes_kwargs : dict, optional The keyword arguments, that are used for the :meth:`get_measurement <qrisp.operators.qubit.QubitOperator.get_measurement>` function. The default is {}. init_type : string, optional Specifies the way the initial optimization parameters are chosen. Available is ``random``. The default is ``random``: Parameters are initialized uniformly at random in the interval $[0,\pi/2)]$. Returns ------- :ref:`VQEBenchmark` The results of the benchmark. Examples -------- We create a Heisenberg problem instance and benchmark several parameters: :: from qrisp import QuantumVariable from qrisp.vqe.problems.heisenberg import * from networkx import Graph G = Graph() G.add_edges_from([(0,1),(1,2),(2,3),(3,4)]) vqe = heisenberg_problem(G,1,0) H = create_heisenberg_hamiltonian(G,1,0) benchmark_data = vqe.benchmark(qarg = QuantumVariable(5), depth_range = [1,2,3], precision_range = [0.02,0.01], iter_range = [25,50], optimal_energy = H.ground_state_energy(), repetitions = 2 ) We can investigate the data by calling ``visualize``: :: benchmark_data.visualize() .. image:: vqe_benchmark_plot.png The :ref:`VQEBenchmark` class contains a variety of methods to help you drawing conclusions from the collected data. Make sure to check them out! """ data_dict = {"layer_depth" : [], "circuit_depth" : [], "qubit_amount" : [], "precision" : [], "iterations" : [], "runtime" : [], "energy" : [] } for p in depth_range: for s in precision_range: for it in iter_range: for k in range(repetitions): if isinstance(qarg, QuantumArray): qarg_dupl = QuantumArray(qtype = qarg.qtype, shape = qarg.shape) else: qarg_dupl = qarg.duplicate() start_time = time.time() temp_mes_kwargs = dict(mes_kwargs) temp_mes_kwargs["precision"] = s energy =, depth = p, max_iter = it, mes_kwargs = temp_mes_kwargs, init_type=init_type) final_time = time.time() - start_time compiled_qc = qarg_dupl.qs.compile() data_dict["layer_depth"].append(p) data_dict["circuit_depth"].append(compiled_qc.depth()) data_dict["qubit_amount"].append(compiled_qc.num_qubits()) data_dict["precision"].append(s) data_dict["iterations"].append(it) data_dict["energy"].append(energy) data_dict["runtime"].append(final_time) return VQEBenchmark(data_dict, optimal_energy, self.hamiltonian)
[docs] def visualize_energy(self,exact=False): """ Visualizes the energy during the optimization process. Parameters ---------- exact : Boolean If ``True``, the exact ground state energy of the spin operator is computed classically, and compared to the energy in the optimization process. The default is ``False``. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if not self.callback: raise Exception("Visualization can only be performed for a VQE instance with callback=True") if exact: exact_solution = self.hamiltonian.ground_state_energy() plt.axhline(y=exact_solution, color="#6929C4", linestyle='--', linewidth=2, label='Exact energy') x = list(range(len(self.optimization_costs))) y = self.optimization_costs plt.scatter(x, y, color='#20306f',marker="o", linestyle='solid', linewidth=1, label='VQE energy') plt.xlabel("Iterations", fontsize=15, color="#444444") plt.ylabel("Energy", fontsize=15, color="#444444") plt.legend(fontsize=12, labelcolor="#444444") plt.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=12) plt.grid()