Source code for qrisp.algorithms.qiro.qiro_problem

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from qrisp.algorithms.qaoa.qaoa_problem import QAOAProblem
import inspect
import numpy as np
import copy

[docs] class QIROProblem(QAOAProblem): r""" Structure to run QIRO algorithms. The idea is based on the paper by J. Finzgar et al. ( This class encapsulates the cost operator, mixer operator, and classical cost function for a specific QIRO problem instance. It also provides methods to set the initial state preparation function, classical cost post-processing function, and optimizer for the problem. For a quick demonstration, we import the relevant functions from already implemented problem instances: :: # imports from qrisp.qaoa.qiro_problem import QIROProblem from qrisp.qaoa.qaoa_problem import QAOAProblem from qrisp.qaoa.problems.create_rdm_graph import create_rdm_graph from qrisp.qaoa.problems.maxCliqueInfrastr import maxCliqueCostfct, maxCliqueCostOp from qrisp.qaoa.qiroproblems.qiroMaxCliqueInfrastr import * from qrisp.qaoa.mixers import RX_mixer from qrisp.qaoa.qiro_mixers import qiro_init_function, qiro_RXMixer from qrisp import QuantumVariable import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import networkx as nx # First we define a graph via the number of nodes and the QuantumVariable arguments num_nodes = 15 G = create_rdm_graph(num_nodes,0.7, seed = 99) Gtwo = create_rdm_graph(num_nodes,0.7, seed = 99) qarg = QuantumVariable(G.number_of_nodes()) qarg2 = QuantumVariable(Gtwo.number_of_nodes()) # set simulator shots mes_kwargs = { #below should be 5k "shots" : 5000 } #assign cost_function and maxclique_instance, normal QAOA testCostFun = maxCliqueCostfct(Gtwo) maxclique_instance = QAOAProblem(maxCliqueCostOp(G), RX_mixer, maxCliqueCostfct(G)) # assign the correct new update functions for qiro from above imports qiro_instance = QIROProblem(problem = Gtwo, replacement_routine = create_maxClique_replacement_routine, cost_operator = create_maxClique_cost_operator_reduced, mixer = qiro_RXMixer, cl_cost_function = maxCliqueCostfct, init_function = qiro_init_function ) # We run the qiro instance and get the results! res_qiro = qiro_instance.run_qiro(qarg=qarg, depth = 3, n_recursions = 2, #mes_kwargs = mes_kwargs ) # and also the final graph, that has been adjusted final_Graph = qiro_instance.problem # get the normal QAOA results for a comparison res_qaoa = qarg = qarg2, depth = 3) # We can then also print the top 5 results for each... print("QAOA 5 best results") maxfive = sorted(res_qaoa, key=res_qaoa.get, reverse=True)[:5] for key, val in res_qaoa.items(): if key in maxfive: print(key) print(testCostFun({key:1})) print("QIRO 5 best results") maxfive = sorted(res_qiro, key=res_qiro.get, reverse=True)[:5] for key, val in res_qiro.items(): if key in maxfive: print(key) print(testCostFun({key:1})) # or compare it with the networkx result of the max_clique algorithm... print("Networkx solution") print(nx.approximation.max_clique(Gtwo)) # and finally, we draw the final graph and the original graphs to compare them! plt.figure(1) nx.draw(final_Graph, with_labels = True) plt.figure(2) nx.draw(G, with_labels = True) For an in-depth tutorial, make sure to check out :ref:` the QIRO tutorial<Qiro_tutorial>`! Parameters ---------- problem : Any The problem structure to be considered for the algorithm. For example in the case of MaxClique a graph, or MaxSat a list of clauses qaoaProblem : QAOAProblem A :ref:`QAOAProblem` instance to be used for establishing the correlations. replacement_routine : function A routine for adjusting the problem after the highest correlation value has been found. qiro_cost_operator : function New ``cost_operator`` for the :ref:`QAOAProblem` instance. qiro_mixer_operator : function New ``mixer_operator`` for the :ref:`QAOAProblem` instance. qiro_init_function : function New ``mixer_operator`` for the :ref:`QAOAProblem` instance. """ #try without QAOAProblem """ def __init__(self, problem, qaoaProblem, replacement_routine , qiro_cost_operator, qiro_mixer, qiro_init_function, ): super().__init__(qaoaProblem.cost_operator, qaoaProblem.mixer, qaoaProblem.cl_cost_function) self.problem = problem self.replacement_routine = replacement_routine self.qiro_cost_operator = qiro_cost_operator self.qiro_mixer = qiro_mixer self.qiro_init_function = qiro_init_function """ def __init__(self, problem, replacement_routine , cost_operator, mixer, cl_cost_function, init_function): super().__init__(cost_operator(problem), mixer(), cl_cost_function(problem)) self.problem = problem self.replacement_routine = replacement_routine self.qiro_cost_operator = cost_operator self.qiro_mixer = mixer self.init_function = init_function() self.qiro_init_function = init_function
[docs] def run_qiro(self, qarg, depth, n_recursions, mes_kwargs = {}, max_iter = 50): """ Run the specific QIRO problem instance with given quantum arguments, depth of QAOA circuit, measurement keyword arguments (mes_kwargs) and maximum iterations for optimization (max_iter). Parameters ---------- qarg : QuantumVariable The quantum variable to which the QAOA circuit is applied. depth : int The depth of the QAOA circuit. n_recursions : int The number of QIRO replacement iterations. mes_kwargs : dict, optional The keyword arguments for the measurement function. Default is an empty dictionary. max_iter : int, optional The maximum number of iterations for the optimization method. Default is 50. Returns ------- opt_res : dict The optimal result after running QAOA problem for a specific problem instance. It contains the measurement results after applying the optimal QAOA circuit to the quantum variable. """ from qrisp import QuantumVariable res=, qarg, depth, mes_kwargs, max_iter) corr_vals = [] solutions = [] exclusions = [] for index in range(n_recursions): new_problem, solutions , sign, exclusions = self.replacement_routine(res, self.problem, solutions , exclusions) corr_vals.append(sign) self.problem = new_problem self.cost_operator = self.qiro_cost_operator(new_problem, solutions=solutions) self.mixer = self.qiro_mixer(solutions=solutions, exclusions = exclusions) self.init_function = self.qiro_init_function(#problem = new_problem, solutions=solutions, exclusions = exclusions) new_qarg = QuantumVariable(len(qarg)) res =, new_qarg, depth, mes_kwargs, max_iter) return res