Source code for qrisp.algorithms.qaoa.qaoa_benchmark_data

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import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import dill as pickle

[docs] class QAOABenchmark: """ This class is a wrapper for representing and evaluating the data collected in the :meth:`.benchmark <qrisp.qaoa.QAOAProblem.benchmark>` method. Attributes ---------- layer_depth : list[int] The amount of QAOA layers for each run. circuit_depth : list[int] The depth of the compiled circuit of each run. qubit_amount : list[int] The amount of qubits of the compiled circuit of each run. shots : list[int] The amount of shots per backend call of each run. iterations : list[int] The amount of backend calls of each run. counts : list[dict] The measurement results of the optimized circuit of each run. runtime : list[float] The amount of time passed (in seconds) of each run. optimal_solution : - The optimal solution of the problem. cost_function : callable The classical cost function of the benchmarked problem. """ def __init__(self, benchmark_data, optimal_solution, cost_function): self.layer_depth = benchmark_data["layer_depth"] self.circuit_depth = benchmark_data["circuit_depth"] self.qubit_amount = benchmark_data["qubit_amount"] self.shots = benchmark_data["shots"] self.iterations = benchmark_data["iterations"] self.counts = benchmark_data["counts"] self.runtime = benchmark_data["runtime"] self.optimal_solution = optimal_solution self.cost_function = cost_function
[docs] def evaluate(self, cost_metric = "oqv", gain_metric = "approx_ratio"): r""" Evaluates the data in terms of a cost and a gain metric. **Cost metric** The default cost metric is overall quantum volume .. math:: \text{OQV} = \text{circuit_depth} \times \text{qubits} \times \text{shots} \times \text{iterations} **Gain metric** By default, two gain metrics are avialable. The `approximation ratio <>`_ is a standard quantity in approximation algorithms and can be selected by setting ``gain_metric = "approx_ration"``. The time to solution metric as used in `this paper <>`__ can be selected with ``gain_metric = "tts"``. Users can implement their own cost/gain metric by calling ``.evaluate`` with a suited function. For more information check the examples. Parameters ---------- cost_metric : str or callable, optional The method to evaluate the cost of each run. The default is "oqv". gain_metric : str or callable, optional The method to evaluate the gain of each run. The default is "approx_ratio". Returns ------- cost_data : list[float] A list containing the cost values of each run. gain_data : list[float] A list containing the gain of each run. Examples -------- We set up a MaxCut instance and perform some benchmarking. :: from qrisp import * from networkx import Graph G = Graph() G.add_edges_from([[0,3],[0,4],[1,3],[1,4],[2,3],[2,4]]) from qrisp.qaoa import maxcut_problem max_cut_instance = maxcut_problem(G) benchmark_data = max_cut_instance.benchmark(qarg = QuantumVariable(5), depth_range = [3,4,5], shot_range = [5000, 10000], iter_range = [25, 50], optimal_solution = "11100", repetitions = 2 ) We now evaluate the cost using the default metrics. :: cost_data, gain_data = benchmark_data.evaluate() print(cost_data[:10]) #Yields: [17500000, 17500000, 35000000, 35000000, 35000000, 35000000, 70000000, 70000000, 22500000, 22500000] print(gain_data[:10]) #Yields: [0.8425333333333328, 0.9379999999999996, 0.9256666666666667, 0.8816999999999998, 0.764399999999999, 0.6228000000000001, 0.8136000000000001, 0.9213999999999997, 0.8541333333333333, 0.6424333333333333] To set up a user specified cost metric we create a customized function :: def runtime(run_data): return run_data["runtime"] cost_data, gain_data = benchmark_data.evaluate(cost_metric = runtime) This function extracts the runtime (in seconds) and uses that as a cost metric. The ``run_data`` dictionary contains the following entries: * ``layer_depth``: The amount of layers * ``circuit_depth``: The depth of the compiled circuit as returned by :meth:`.depth <qrisp.QuantumCircuit.depth>` method. * ``qubit_amount``: The amount of qubits of the compiled circuit. * ``shots``: The amount of shots that have been performed in this run. * ``iterations``: The amount of backend calls, that the optimizer was allowed to do. * ``counts``: The measurement results as returned by ``qarg.get_measurement()``. * ``runtime``: The time (in seconds) that the ``run`` method of :ref:`QAOAProblem` took. * ``optimal_solution``: The optimal solution of the problem """ if isinstance(cost_metric, str): if cost_metric == "oqv": cost_metric = overall_quantum_volume else: raise Exception(f"Cost metric {cost_metric} is unknown") if isinstance(gain_metric, str): if gain_metric == "approx_ratio": gain_metric = lambda x : approximation_ratio(x["counts"], self.optimal_solution, self.cost_function) elif gain_metric == "tts": gain_metric = lambda x : time_to_solution(x["counts"], self.optimal_solution, self.cost_function) else: raise Exception(f"Gain metric {gain_metric} is unknown") cost_data = [] gain_data = [] for i in range(len(self.layer_depth)): run_data = {"layer_depth" : self.layer_depth[i], "circuit_depth" : self.circuit_depth[i], "qubit_amount" : self.qubit_amount[i], "shots" : self.shots[i], "iterations" : self.iterations[i], "counts" : self.counts[i], "runtime" : self.runtime[i], "optimal_solution" : self.optimal_solution } cost_data.append(cost_metric(run_data)) gain_data.append(gain_metric(run_data)) return cost_data, gain_data
[docs] def visualize(self, cost_metric = "oqv", gain_metric = "approx_ratio"): """ Plots the results of :meth:`.evaluate <qrisp.qaoa.QAOABenchmark.evaluate>`. Parameters ---------- cost_metric : str or callable, optional The method to evaluate the cost of each run. The default is "oqv". gain_metric : str or callable, optional The method to evaluate the gain of each run. The default is "approx_ratio". Examples -------- We create a MaxCut instance and benchmark several parameters :: from qrisp import * from networkx import Graph G = Graph() G.add_edges_from([[0,3],[0,4],[1,3],[1,4],[2,3],[2,4]]) from qrisp.qaoa import maxcut_problem max_cut_instance = maxcut_problem(G) benchmark_data = max_cut_instance.benchmark(qarg = QuantumVariable(5), depth_range = [3,4,5], shot_range = [5000, 10000], iter_range = [25, 50], optimal_solution = "11100", repetitions = 2 ) To visualize the results, we call the corresponding method. :: benchmark_data.visualize() .. image:: benchmark_plot.png """ cost_data, gain_data = self.evaluate(cost_metric, gain_metric) plt.plot(cost_data, gain_data, "x") if isinstance(cost_metric, str): if cost_metric == "oqv": cost_name = "Overall quantum volume" else: cost_name = cost_metric.__name__ if isinstance(gain_metric, str): if gain_metric == "approx_ratio": gain_name = "Approximation ratio" elif gain_metric == "tts": gain_name = "Time to solution" else: gain_name = gain_metric.__name__ plt.xlabel(cost_name) plt.ylabel(gain_name) plt.grid()
[docs] def rank(self, metric = "approx_ratio", print_res = False, average_repetitions = False): """ Ranks the runs of the benchmark according to a given metric. The default metric is approximation ratio. Similar to :meth:`.evaluate <qrisp.qaoa.QAOABenchmark.evaluate>`, the metric can be user specified. Parameters ---------- metric : str or callable, optional The metric according to which should be ranked. The default is "approx_ratio". Returns ------- list[dict] List of dictionaries, where the first element has the highest rank. Examples -------- We create a MaxCut instance and benchmark several parameters :: from qrisp import * from networkx import Graph G = Graph() G.add_edges_from([[0,3],[0,4],[1,3],[1,4],[2,3],[2,4]]) from qrisp.qaoa import maxcut_problem max_cut_instance = maxcut_problem(G) benchmark_data = max_cut_instance.benchmark(qarg = QuantumVariable(5), depth_range = [3,4,5], shot_range = [5000, 10000], iter_range = [25, 50], optimal_solution = "11100", repetitions = 2 ) To rank the results, we call the according method: :: print(benchmark_data.rank()[0]) #Yields: {'layer_depth': 5, 'circuit_depth': 44, 'qubit_amount': 5, 'shots': 10000, 'iterations': 50, 'counts': {'11100': 0.4909, '00011': 0.4909, '00010': 0.002, '11110': 0.002, '00001': 0.002, '11101': 0.002, '10000': 0.0015, '01000': 0.0015, '00100': 0.0015, '11011': 0.0015, '10111': 0.0015, '01111': 0.0015, '00000': 0.0001, '10010': 0.0001, '01010': 0.0001, '11010': 0.0001, '00110': 0.0001, '10110': 0.0001, '01110': 0.0001, '10001': 0.0001, '01001': 0.0001, '11001': 0.0001, '00101': 0.0001, '10101': 0.0001, '01101': 0.0001, '11111': 0.0001, '11000': 0.0, '10100': 0.0, '01100': 0.0, '10011': 0.0, '01011': 0.0, '00111': 0.0}, 'runtime': 1.4269020557403564, 'optimal_solution': '11100'} """ if isinstance(metric, str): if metric == "approx_ratio": def approx_ratio(x): return approximation_ratio(x["counts"], self.optimal_solution, self.cost_function) metric = approx_ratio elif metric == "time_to_sol": metric = lambda x: time_to_solution(x["counts"], self.optimal_solution, self.cost_function) run_data_list = [] if average_repetitions: # Create a dictionary to store aggregated averages average_dict = {} for i in range(len(self.layer_depth)): run_data = {"layer_depth": self.layer_depth[i], "circuit_depth": self.circuit_depth[i], "qubit_amount": self.qubit_amount[i], "shots": self.shots[i], "iterations": self.iterations[i], "runtime": self.runtime[i], "optimal_solution": self.optimal_solution, "counts" : self.counts[i] } run_data["metric"] = metric(run_data) if average_repetitions: # Create a unique key based on the parameters key = (run_data['layer_depth'], run_data['shots'], run_data['iterations']) # Add the result to the corresponding key in the dictionary if key not in average_dict: average_dict[key] = { 'total_metric': 0, 'count': 0 } average_dict[key]['total_metric'] += metric(run_data) average_dict[key]['count'] += 1 run_data_list.append(run_data) if average_repetitions: # Calculate the average for each unique parameter combination temp = list(run_data_list) run_data_list = [] for run_data in temp: key = (run_data['layer_depth'], run_data['shots'], run_data['iterations']) if not key in average_dict: continue run_data['metric'] = average_dict[key]['total_metric'] / average_dict[key]['count'] del run_data["counts"] del run_data["runtime"] run_data_list.append(run_data) del average_dict[key] run_data_list.sort(key=lambda x: x["metric"], reverse=True) if print_res: self.print_rank_table(run_data_list, metric.__name__) return run_data_list
def print_rank_table(self, run_data_list, metric_name): """ Prints a nicely formatted table of the ranked runs. Parameters ---------- run_data_list : list[dict] List of dictionaries containing run data. metric : function Function to rank the run data """ header = ["Rank", metric_name, "Overall QV", "p", "QC depth", "QB count", "Shots", "Iterations"] # Print the header row print("{:<5} {:<12} {:<12} {:<4} {:<10} {:<9} {:<7} {:<10}".format(*header)) print("============================================================================") for i, run_data in enumerate(run_data_list): oqv = sci_notation(overall_quantum_volume(run_data), 4) metric_value = sci_notation(run_data["metric"], 3) row = [i, metric_value, oqv, run_data["layer_depth"], run_data["circuit_depth"], run_data["qubit_amount"], run_data["shots"], run_data["iterations"]] # Print each row print("{:<5} {:<12} {:<12} {:<4} {:<10} {:<9} {:<7} {:<10}".format(*row))
[docs] def save(self, filename): """ Saves the data to the harddrive for later use. Parameters ---------- filename : string The filename where to save the data. Examples -------- We create a MaxCut instance and benchmark several parameters :: from qrisp import * from networkx import Graph G = Graph() G.add_edges_from([[0,3],[0,4],[1,3],[1,4],[2,3],[2,4]]) from qrisp.qaoa import maxcut_problem max_cut_instance = maxcut_problem(G) benchmark_data = max_cut_instance.benchmark(qarg = QuantumVariable(5), depth_range = [3,4,5], shot_range = [5000, 10000], iter_range = [25, 50], optimal_solution = "11100", repetitions = 2 ) To save the results, we call the according method. ::"example.qaoa") """ try: with open(filename, 'wb') as file: pickle.dump(self, file) print(f"Benchmark data saved to {filename}") except Exception as e: print(f"Error saving benchmark data: {e}")
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, filename): """ Loads benchmark data from the harddrive that has been saved by :meth:`.save <>`. Parameters ---------- filename : string The filename to load from. Returns ------- obj : QAOABenchmark The loaded data. Examples -------- We assume that the code from the example in :meth:`.save <>` has been executed and load the corresponding data: :: from qrisp.qaoa import QAOABenchmark benchmark_data = QAOABenchmark.load("example.qaoa") """ try: with open(filename, 'rb') as file: obj = pickle.load(file) return obj except Exception as e: print(f"Error loading benchmark data: {e}") return None
# create qScore def overall_quantum_volume(run_data): return run_data["circuit_depth"]*run_data["qubit_amount"]*run_data["shots"]*run_data["iterations"] def max_five_metric(metric_dict): counts = metric_dict["counts"].copy() maxfive = sorted(counts , key=counts.get, reverse=True)[:5] fivesol = [] for name, age in counts.items(): if name in maxfive: fivesol.append((name, age)) return fivesol def time_to_solution(counts, optimal_solution, cost_function): """ Parameters ---------- counts : the result dictionary from the QAOA method, contaning the bitstrings as keys and the counts divided by the number of shots as values. optimal_solution: the optimal solution of the problem cost_function : Cost Function used to evaluate the optimization Returns ------- time to solution measure from It corresponds to 1/p_opt, where p_opt is the sum of the squared amplitudes associated to the binary strings encoding the optimal solution. """ obj_function = lambda x : cost_function({x : 1}) optimal_solution_cost = obj_function(optimal_solution) return 1/sum([v for k,v in counts.items() if obj_function(k)==optimal_solution_cost]) def approximation_ratio(counts, optimal_solution, cost_function): """ Parameters ---------- counts : the result dictionary from the QAOA method, contaning the bitstrings as keys and the counts divided by the number of shots as values. optimal_solution: the optimal solution of the problem cost_function : Cost Function used to evaluate the optimization Returns ------- approximation ratio measure, commonly used to evaluate the MaxCut Problem """ optimal_cost = cost_function({optimal_solution: 1}) if optimal_cost < 0: return cost_function(counts)/optimal_cost else: return optimal_cost/cost_function(counts) def ilog(n, base): """ Find the integer log of n with respect to the base. >>> import math >>> for base in range(2, 16 + 1): ... for n in range(1, 1000): ... assert ilog(n, base) == int(math.log(n, base) + 1e-10), '%s %s' % (n, base) """ if abs(n) < 1: n = 1/n count = 0 while n >= base: count += 1 n //= base return count def sci_notation(n, prec=3): """ Represent n in scientific notation, with the specified precision. >>> sci_notation(1234 * 10**1000) '1.234e+1003' >>> sci_notation(10**1000 // 2, prec=1) '5.0e+999' """ base = 10 exponent = ilog(n, base) if abs(n) < 1: exponent = -exponent mantissa = n / base**exponent return '{0:.{1}f}e{2:+d}'.format(mantissa, prec, exponent)