
app_sb_phase_polynomial(*args, permeability='args', is_qfree=True, verify=False, **kwargs)#

Applies a phase function specified by a semi-Boolean polynomial acting on a list of QuantumVariables. That is, this method implements the transformation

\[\ket{y_1}\dotsb\ket{y_n}\rightarrow e^{itP(y_1,\dotsc,y_n)}\ket{y_1}\dotsb\ket{y_n}\]

where \(\ket{y_1},\dotsc,\ket{y_n}\) are QuantumVariables and \(P(y_1,\dotsc,y_n)=P(y_{1,1},\dotsc,y_{1,m_1},\dotsc,y_{n,1}\dotsc,y_{n,m_n})\) is a semi-Boolean polynomial in variables \(y_{1,1},\dotsc,y_{1,m_1},\dotsc,y_{n,1}\dotsc,y_{n,m_n}\). Here, \(m_i\) is the size of the \(i\) th variable.

qv_listlist[QuantumVariable] or QuantumArray

The list of QuantumVariables to evaluate the semi-Boolean polynomial on.

polySymPy expression

The semi-Boolean polynomial to evaluate.

symbol_listlist, optional

An ordered list of SymPy symbols associated to the qubits of the QuantumVariables of qv_list. For each QuantumVariable in qv_list a number of symbols according to its size is required. By default, the symbols of the polynomial will be ordered alphabetically and then matched to the order in qv_list.

tFloat or SymPy expression, optional

The argument t in the expression \(\exp(itP)\). The default is 1.


Provided QuantumVariable list does not include the appropriate amount of elements to evaluate the given polynomial.


We apply the phase function specified by the polynomial \(P(x,y,z) = \pi xyz\) on a QuantumVariable:

import sympy as sp
import numpy as np
from qrisp import QuantumVariable, app_sb_phase_polynomial

x, y, z = sp.symbols('x y z')
P = np.pi*x*y*z

qv = QuantumVariable(3)
qv.init_state({'000': 0.5, '111': 0.5})

app_sb_phase_polynomial([qv], P)

We print the statevector:

>>> print(qv.qs.statevector())
sqrt(2)*(|000> - |111>)/2