Source code for qrisp.vqe.problems.electronic_structure

* Copyright (c) 2025 the Qrisp authors
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
* This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
* Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
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import numpy as np

from qrisp import h, x, cx, ry, control, conjugate
from qrisp.operators.qubit import QubitOperator, QubitTerm
from qrisp.operators.fermionic import *
from functools import cache
import itertools
import math

# helper functions

def verify_symmetries(two_int):
    Checks the symmetries of the two_electron integrals tensor in physicist's notation.

    int_two : numpy.ndarray
        The two-electron integrals w.r.t. spin orbitals in physicist's notation.



    M = two_int.shape[0]
    for i in range(M):
        for j in range(M):
            for k in range(M):
                for l in range(M):
                    test1 = abs(two_int[i][j][k][l]-two_int[j][i][l][k])
                    test2 = abs(two_int[i][j][k][l]-two_int[k][l][i][j])
                    test3 = abs(two_int[i][j][k][l]-two_int[l][k][j][i])
                    if test1>1e-9 or test2>1e-9 or test3>1e-9:
                        return False
    return True

def delta(i,j):
    if i==j:
        return 1
        return 0

# spacial orbitals to spin orbitals

def omega(x):
    return x%2

def spacial_to_spin(one_int,two_int):
    Transforms one- and two-electron integrals w.r.t. $M$ spacial orbitals $\psi_0,\dotsc,\psi_{M-1}$ to 
    one- and two-electron integrals w.r.t. $2M$ spin orbitals $\chi_{2i}=\psi_{i}\alpha$, 
    $\chi_{2i+1}=\psi_{i}\beta$ for $i=0,\dotsc,M-1$.

    That is, given one- and two-electron integrals for spacial orbitals:

    .. math::

        h_{ij} &= \braket{\psi_i|h|\psi_j} \\
        h_{ijkl} &= \braket{\psi_i\psi_j|\psi_k\psi_l}

    this methods computes one- and two-electron integrals for spin orbitals:

    .. math::

        \tilde h_{ijkl} &= \braket{\chi_i|h|\chi_j} \\
        \tilde h_{ijkl} &= \braket{\chi_i\chi_j|\chi_k\chi_l}

    one_int : numpy.ndarray
        The one-electron integrals w.r.t. spacial orbitals.
    two_int : numpy.ndarray
        The two-electron integrals w.r.t. spacial orbitals.

    one_int_spin : numpy.ndarray
        The one-electron integrals w.r.t. spin orbitals.
    two_int_spin : numpy.ndarray
        The two-electron integrals w.r.t. spin orbitals.


    num_spacial_orbs = one_int.shape[0]
    num_spin_orbs = 2*num_spacial_orbs

    # Initialize the spin-orbital one-electron integral tensor
    one_int_spin = np.zeros((num_spin_orbs, num_spin_orbs))

    for i in range(num_spacial_orbs):
        for j in range(num_spacial_orbs):

            one_int_spin[2*i][2*j] = one_int[i][j]
            one_int_spin[2*i+1][2*j+1] = one_int[i][j]

    # Initialize the spin-orbital two-electron integral tensor
    two_int_spin = np.zeros((num_spin_orbs, num_spin_orbs, num_spin_orbs, num_spin_orbs))

    for i in range(num_spacial_orbs):
        for j in range(num_spacial_orbs):  
            for k in range(num_spacial_orbs):
                for l in range (num_spacial_orbs):

                    two_int_spin[2*i][2*j+1][2*k+1][2*l] = two_int[i][j][k][l]

                    two_int_spin[2*i+1][2*j][2*k][2*l+1] = two_int[i][j][k][l]

                    two_int_spin[2*i][2*j][2*k][2*l] = two_int[i][j][k][l]

                    two_int_spin[2*i+1][2*j+1][2*k+1][2*l+1] = two_int[i][j][k][l]
    return one_int_spin, two_int_spin

[docs] def electronic_data(mol): """ A function that utilizes `restricted Hartree-Fock (RHF) <>`_ calculation in the `PySCF <>`_ quantum chemistry package to obtain the electronic data for defining an electronic structure problem. Parameters ---------- mol : pyscf.gto.Mole The `molecule <>`_. Returns ------- data : dict A dictionary specifying the electronic data for a molecule. The following data is provided: * ``one_int`` : numpy.ndarray The one-electron integrals w.r.t. spin orbitals (in physicists' notation). * ``two_int`` : numpy.ndarray The two-electron integrals w.r.t. spin orbitals (in physicists' notation). * ``num_orb`` : int The number of spin orbitals. * ``num_elec`` : int The number of electrons. * ``energy_nuc`` The nuclear repulsion energy. * ``energy_hf`` The Hartree-Fock ground state energy. """ from pyscf import scf, ao2mo data = {} threshold = 1e-9 def apply_threshold(matrix, threshold): matrix[np.abs(matrix) < threshold] = 0 return matrix # Set verbosity level to 0 to suppress output mol.verbose = 0 # Perform a Hartree-Fock calculation mf = scf.RHF(mol) energy_hf = mf.kernel() # Extract one-electron integrals one_int = apply_threshold(mf.mo_coeff.T @ mf.get_hcore() @ mf.mo_coeff,threshold) # Extract two-electron integrals (electron repulsion integrals) two_int = ao2mo.kernel(mol,mf.mo_coeff) # Full tensor with chemist's notation two_int = apply_threshold(ao2mo.restore(1,two_int,mol.nao_nr()),threshold) # Full tensor with physicist's notation two_int = np.transpose(two_int,(0,2,3,1)) # Convert spacial orbital to spin orbitals one_int, two_int = spacial_to_spin(one_int,two_int) data['mol'] = mol data['one_int'] = one_int data['two_int'] = two_int data['num_orb'] = 2*mf.mo_coeff.shape[0] # Number of spin orbitals data['num_elec'] = mol.nelectron data['energy_nuc'] = mol.energy_nuc() data['energy_hf'] = energy_hf return data
[docs] def create_electronic_hamiltonian(arg, active_orb=None, active_elec=None): """ Creates the qubit Hamiltonian for an electronic structure problem. If an Active Space (AS) is specified, the Hamiltonian is calculated following this `paper <>`_. Parameters ---------- arg : pyscf.gto.Mole or dict A PySCF `molecule <>`_ or a dictionary specifying the electronic data for a molecule. The following data is required: * ``one_int`` : numpy.ndarray The one-electron integrals w.r.t. spin orbitals (in physicists' notation). * ``two_int`` : numpy.ndarray The two-electron integrals w.r.t. spin orbitals (in physicists' notation). * ``num_orb`` : int The number of spin orbitals. * ``num_elec`` : int The number of electrons. active_orb : int, optional The number of active spin orbitals. active_elec : int, optional The number of active electrons. Returns ------- H : :ref:`FermionicOperator` The fermionic Hamiltonian. Examples -------- We calucalte the fermionic Hamiltonian for the Hydrogen molecule, and transform it to a Pauli Hamiltonian via Jordan-Wigner transform. :: from pyscf import gto from qrisp.vqe.problems.electronic_structure import * mol = gto.M( atom = '''H 0 0 0; H 0 0 0.74''', basis = 'sto-3g') H = create_electronic_hamiltonian(mol) H.to_qubit_operator() Yields: .. math:: -&0.812170607248714 - 0.0453026155037992 X_0X_1Y_2Y_3 + 0.0453026155037992 X_0Y_1Y_2X_3 - 0.0453026155037992 Y_0Y_1X_2X_3 &+0.171412826447769 Z_0 + 0.168688981703612 Z_0Z_1 + 0.120625234833904 Z_0Z_2 + 0.165927850337703 Z_0Z_3 + 0.171412826447769 Z_1 &+0.165927850337703 Z_1Z_2 + 0.120625234833904 Z_1Z_3 - 0.223431536908133 Z_2 + 0.174412876122615Z Z_2Z_3 - 0.223431536908133 Z_3 """ import pyscf if isinstance(arg,pyscf.gto.Mole): data = electronic_data(arg) elif isinstance(arg,dict): data = arg if not verify_symmetries(data['two_int']): raise Warning("Failed to verify symmetries for two-electron integrals") else: raise TypeError("Cannot create electronic Hamiltonian from type "+str(type(arg))) one_int = data['one_int'] two_int = data['two_int'] M = data['num_orb'] N = data['num_elec'] K = active_orb L = active_elec if K is None or L is None: K = M L = N if L>N or K>M or K<L or K+N-L>M: raise Exception("Invalid number of active electrons or orbitals") # number of inactive electrons I = N-L # inactive Fock operator F = one_int.copy() for p in range(M): for q in range(M): for i in range(I): #F[p][q] += (two_int[i][p][i][q]-two_int[i][q][p][i]) F[p][q] += (two_int[i][p][q][i]-two_int[i][q][i][p]) # inactive energy E = 0 for j in range(I): E += (one_int[j][j]+F[j][j])/2 # Hamiltonian H=E res_dict = {} for i in range(K): for j in range(K): if F[I+i][I+j]!=0: term = FermionicTerm([(j, False), (i, True)]) res_dict[term] = F[I+i][I+j] #H += F[I+i][I+j]*c(i)*a(j) for i in range(K): for j in range(K): for k in range(K): for l in range(K): if two_int[I+i][I+j][I+k][I+l]!=0 and i!=j and k!=l: term = FermionicTerm([(l, False), (k, False), (j, True), (i, True)]) res_dict[term] = (0.5*two_int[I+i][I+j][I+k][I+l]) # H += (0.5*two_int[I+i][I+j][I+k][I+l])*c(i)*c(j)*a(k)*a(l) temp_H = FermionicOperator(res_dict) H = E+ temp_H return H.reduce()
# # ansatz # def conjugator(i,j): h(i) cx(i,j) def pswap(phi,i,j): with conjugate(conjugator)(i,j): ry(-phi/2, [i,j]) def conjugator2(i,j,k,l): cx(i,j) cx(k,l) def pswap2(phi,i,j,k,l): with conjugate(conjugator2)(i,j,k,l): with control([j,l],ctrl_state='00'): pswap(phi,i,k)
[docs] def create_QCCSD_ansatz(M,N): r""" This method creates a function for applying one layer of the `QCCSD ansatz <>`_. The chemistry-inspired Qubit Coupled Cluster Single Double (QCCSD) ansatz evolves the initial state, usually, the Hartree-Fock state .. math:: \ket{\Psi_{\text{HF}}}=\ket{1_0,\dotsc,1_N,0_{N+1},\dotsc,0_M} under the action of parametrized (non-commuting) single and double excitation unitaries. The single (S) excitation unitaries $U_i^r$ implement a continuous swap for qubits $i$ and $r$: .. math:: U_i^r(\theta) = \begin{pmatrix} 1&0&0&0\\ 0&\cos(\theta)&-\sin(\theta)&0\\ 0&\sin(\theta)&\cos(\theta)&0\\ 0&0&0&1 \end{pmatrix} Similarly, the double (D) excitation unitaries $U_{ij}^{rs}(\theta)$ implement a continuous swap for qubit pairs $i,j$ and $r,s$. Parameters ---------- M : int The number of (active) spin orbitals. N : int The number of (active) electrons. Returns ------- ansatz : function A function that can be applied to a :ref:`QuantumVariable` and a list of parameters. num_params : int The number of parameters. """ spin_down_occupied = [i for i in range(N) if i%2==0] spin_down_virtual = [i for i in range(N,M) if i%2==0] spin_up_occupied = [i for i in range(N) if i%2==1] spin_up_virtual = [i for i in range(N,M) if i%2==1] num_singles = len(spin_down_occupied)*len(spin_down_virtual) + len(spin_up_occupied)*len(spin_up_virtual) num_doubles = len(spin_down_occupied)*len(spin_up_occupied)*len(spin_down_virtual)*len(spin_up_virtual) \ +math.comb(len(spin_down_occupied),2)*math.comb(len(spin_down_virtual),2) \ +math.comb(len(spin_up_occupied),2)*math.comb(len(spin_up_virtual),2) num_params = num_singles + num_doubles def ansatz(qv, theta): num_params = 0 # Single excitations for i in spin_down_occupied: for j in spin_down_virtual: pswap(theta[num_params],qv[i],qv[j]) num_params += 1 for i in spin_up_occupied: for j in spin_up_virtual: pswap(theta[num_params],qv[i],qv[j]) num_params += 1 # Double excitation for i in spin_down_occupied: for j in spin_up_occupied: for k in spin_down_virtual: for l in spin_up_virtual: pswap2(theta[num_params],qv[i],qv[j],qv[k],qv[l]) num_params += 1 for i,j in itertools.combinations(spin_down_occupied,2): for k,l in itertools.combinations(spin_down_virtual,2): pswap2(theta[num_params],qv[i],qv[j],qv[k],qv[l]) num_params += 1 for i,j in itertools.combinations(spin_up_occupied,2): for k,l in itertools.combinations(spin_up_virtual,2): pswap2(theta[num_params],qv[i],qv[j],qv[k],qv[l]) num_params += 1 return ansatz, num_params
[docs] def create_hartree_fock_init_function(M, N): """ Creates the function that, when applied to a :ref:`QuantumVariable`, initializes the Hartee-Fock state: Consistent with the Jordan-Wigner mapping, the first ``N`` qubits are initialized in the $\ket{1}$ state. Parameters ---------- M : int The number of (active) spin orbitals. N : int The number of (active) electrons. Returns ------- init_function : function A function that can be applied to a :ref:`QuantumVariable`. """ def init_function(qv): for i in range(N): x(qv[i]) """ if mapping_type=='parity': def init_function(qv): for i in range(N//2): x(qv[2*i]) # odd number of electrons if N%2==1: for i in range(N-1,M): x(qv[i]) """ return init_function
[docs] def electronic_structure_problem(arg, active_orb=None, active_elec=None, ansatz_type='QCCSD', threshold=1e-4): r""" Creates a VQE problem instance for an electronic structure problem defined by the one-electron and two-electron integrals for the spin orbitals (in physicists' notation). The problem Hamiltonian is given by: .. math:: H = \sum\limits_{i,j=0}^{M-1}h_{i,j}a^{\dagger}_ia_j + \sum\limits_{i,j,k,l=0}^{M-1}h_{i,j,k,l}a^{\dagger}_ia^{\dagger}_ja_ka_l for one-electron integrals: .. math:: h_{i,j}=\int\mathrm dx \chi_i^*(x)\chi_j(x) and two-electron integrals: .. math:: h_{i,j,k,l} = \int\mathrm dx_1\mathrm dx_2\chi_i^*(x_1)\chi_j^*(x_2)\frac{1}{|r_1-r_2|}\chi_k(x_1)\chi_l(x_2) Parameters ---------- arg : pyscf.gto.Mole or dict A PySCF `molecule <>`_ or a dictionary specifying the electronic data for a molecule. The following data is required: * ``one_int`` : numpy.ndarray The one-electron integrals w.r.t. spin orbitals (in physicists' notation). * ``two_int`` : numpy.ndarray The two-electron integrals w.r.t. spin orbitals (in physicists' notation). * ``num_orb`` : int The number of spin orbitals. * ``num_elec`` : int The number of electrons. active_orb : int, optional The number of active spin orbitals. active_elec : int, optional The number of active electrons. ansatz_type : string, optional The ansatz type. Availabe is ``QCCSD``. The default is ``QCCSD``. threshold : float, optional The threshold for the absolute value of the coefficients of Pauli products in the quantum Hamiltonian. The default is 1e-4. Returns ------- VQEProblem The VQE problem instance. Examples -------- We calculate the electronic energy for the Hydrogen molecule at bond distance 0.74 angstroms: :: from pyscf import gto from qrisp import QuantumVariable from qrisp.vqe.problems.electronic_structure import * mol = gto.M( atom = '''H 0 0 0; H 0 0 0.74''', basis = 'sto-3g') vqe = electronic_structure_problem(mol) vqe.set_callback() energy =,depth=1,max_iter=50) print(energy) #Yields -1.8461290172512965 """ from qrisp.vqe import VQEProblem import pyscf if isinstance(arg,pyscf.gto.Mole): data = electronic_data(arg) elif isinstance(arg,dict): data = arg if not verify_symmetries(data['two_int']): raise Warning("Failed to verify symmetries for two-electron integrals") else: raise TypeError("Cannot instantiate VQEProblem from type "+str(type(arg))) M = data['num_orb'] N = data['num_elec'] K = active_orb L = active_elec if K is None or L is None: K = M L = N ansatz, num_params = create_QCCSD_ansatz(K,L) fermionic_hamiltonian = create_electronic_hamiltonian(data,K,L) hamiltonian = fermionic_hamiltonian.to_qubit_operator(mapping_type='jordan_wigner') hamiltonian.apply_threshold(threshold) return VQEProblem(hamiltonian, ansatz, num_params, init_function=create_hartree_fock_init_function(K,L))