Source code for qrisp.qiro.qiroproblems.qiroMaxSetPackInfrastr

from qrisp import rz, rzz,rx, mcx, x, QuantumVariable, control
import numpy as np
import copy
from qrisp.algorithms.qiro.qiroproblems.qiro_utils import * 
from qrisp.algorithms.qaoa.problems.maxSetPackInfrastr import get_neighbourhood_relations
import networkx as nx

[docs] def trafo_maxPackToMIS(problem): """ Function to transform a Maximum Set Packing problem into a Maximum independent set problem. Parameters ---------- problem : List The problem definition in analogy to the QAOA maxSetPacking problem Returns ------- G : nx.Graph The corresponding graph to be solved by an MIS implementation. """ # the MIS solution to G is equivalent to the solution of the maxSetPackingProblem G = nx.Graph() G.add_nodes_from(list(range(len(problem[1])))) n_dict = get_neighbourhood_relations(problem) for val in n_dict.values(): if len(val)<2: continue for index1 in range(len(val)-1): for index2 in range(index1+1, len(val)): G.add_edge(val[index1],val[index2]) return G
""" does all of the set popping actually work? Since the amount of sets is equivalent to len of qarg? --> setting to empty also doesnt work, since that implies that that they are always in # what to do about sols and exclusions in cost_op where does the neighbourhood_dict fit it? need to write cost function? """ """ def create_maxSetPack_replacement_routine( res, old_n_dict, problem, solutions, exclusions): sets ,universe = copy.deepcopy(problem[0]), problem[1] n_dict = copy.deepcopy(old_n_dict) # FOR SINGLE QUBIT CORRELATIONS orig_nodes = list(universe) combinations = [] # add check for solution nodes for index1 in range(len(universe)): for index2 in range(index1,len(universe)): combinations.append((index1,index2)) # you are HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! max = 0 max_item = [] #get the max_edge and eval the sum and sign max_item, sign = find_max(orig_nodes, combinations, res, solutions) # we just directly remove vertices from the graph if isinstance(max_item, int): if sign > 0: the_set = sets[max_item] for node in the_set: rels = n_dict[node] for rel in rels: sets[rels] = [] # add set to sol # go through n_dict and remove all other sets that contain elements in this set # what does remove mean in this context solutions.append(max_item) exclusions.append(max_item) elif sign < 0: # remove set from sets? sets[rels] = [] exclusions.append(max_item) else: if sign > 0: # both are in: all elements can be deleted for other sets # both are out: ?? # --> add whatever is in second set to first set, and then dont consider the second set anymore? # keep the correlation somehow?? --> this is now in the cost_op # or work on the neighbourhood_dict? sets[0] += sets[1] sets[1] = [] solutions.append(max_item) pass elif sign < 0: # remove all sets that contain elements of the schnittmenge, because one of the two is going to be in there # how to fix the negative correlation?? intersect = list(sets[max_item[0]] & sets[max_item[1]]) for item in intersect: rels = n_dict[item] for rel in rels: if not rel in max_item: sets[rels] = [] exclusions.append(rel) return sets, solutions, sign, exclusions # what about other operatores?? def maxSetPackCost_reduced(problem, solutions = []): | Create the cost/problem operator for this problem instance. The swapping rule is to swap a set in and out of the solution, if it is not intersecting with any other set. | Idea - Per set: * Create ancillas for every element, they represent these elements * Perform multi controlled x operations on each ancilla * Controls are given by sets with also contain the considered element * If all controls are "0" (see ``ctrl_state`` for ``mcx``-operation) we set this ancilla to "1" | Then perform mcx on the qubit describing the set as follows: | If all ancillas are "1" this means the qubits describing the sets contain no intersections with the considered set. We can then swap the set in (or out). | Afterwards uncompute the ancillas. Parameters ---------- sets : list(Lists) The sets the universe is seperated into as by the problem definition universe: Tuple The universe for the problem instance, i.e. all possible values (all graph vertices) Returns ------- QuantumCircuit: qrisp.QuantumCircuit the Operator applied to the circuit-QuantumVariable universe, sets = list(range(problem[0])), problem[1] # get neigbhourhood relations from helper function nbh_rel = get_neighbourhood_relations(problem) # what to do about sols and exclusions def theCostOpEmbedded(qv, gamma): #check all sets for set_index in range(len(sets)): # get set elements and create an ancilla for every set element nodes = sets[set_index] ancillas = QuantumVariable(len(nodes)) # go through all ancillas and, equivalently set elements for ancilla_index in range(len(ancillas)): # if the element is only in one set, we can set this ancilla to 1 if len(nbh_rel[nodes[ancilla_index]])<2: x(ancillas[ancilla_index]) continue # else save the sets with also contain the considered element nbh_sets_list = [ item for item in nbh_rel[nodes[ancilla_index]] if item != set_index] # perform mcx on ancilla, control given by the relevant set mcx([qv[nbh_sets_index] for nbh_sets_index in nbh_sets_list], ancillas[ancilla_index], ctrl_state= "0" * len(nbh_sets_list)) # perform mcrx gate on the qubit describing the considered set with control(ancillas): rx(gamma, qv[set_index]) for item in solutions: if not isinstance(item, int): cx(item[0],item[1]) #mcrx_gate = RXGate(gamma).control(len(ancillas)) #qv.qs.append( mcrx_gate, [*ancillas, qv[set_index]]) ancillas.uncompute() return theCostOpEmbedded """