Source code for qrisp.qaoa.problems.QUBO

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from qrisp import *
import numpy as np
import sympy as sp
from operator import itemgetter

def QUBO_obj(bitstring, Q):
    x = np.array(list(bitstring), dtype=int)
    cost = x.T @ Q @ x
    return cost

[docs] def create_QUBO_cl_cost_function(Q): """ Creates the classical cost function for a QUBO instance with matrix ``Q`` that we are attempting to solve. Parameters ---------- Q : np.array QUBO matrix to solve. Returns ------- cl_cost_function : function The classical cost function for the problem instance, which takes a dictionary of measurement results as input. """ def cl_cost_function(counts): def QUBO_obj(bitstring, Q): x = np.array(list(bitstring), dtype=int) cost = x.T @ Q @ x return cost energy = 0 for meas, meas_count in counts.items(): obj_for_meas = QUBO_obj(meas,Q) energy += obj_for_meas * meas_count return energy return cl_cost_function
# MAPPING QUBO TO GATES 1 - Z_i 1 # x_i <-----> ---------: x^T Q x = - SUM_{i,j} Q_{ij} (1-Z_i)(1-Z_j) = SUM_{i,j} Q_ij*(Z_i*Z_j - Z_i - Z_j + 1)/4 # 2 4
[docs] def create_QUBO_cost_operator(Q): """ Creates the cost operator for a QUBO instance with matrix ``Q``. In the QAOA overview section this is also called the phase separator $U_P$. Parameters ---------- Q : np.array QUBO matrix to solve. Returns ------- cost_operator : function A function receiving a :ref:`QuantumVariable` and a real parameter $\gamma$. This function performs the application of the cost operator. """ def QUBO_cost_operator(qv, gamma): # Rescaling for enhancing the performance of the QAOA gamma = gamma/np.linalg.norm(Q) gphase(-gamma/4*(np.sum(Q)+np.trace(Q)),qv[0]) for i in range(len(Q)): rz(-gamma/2*(sum(Q[i])+sum(Q[:,i])), qv[i]) for j in range(len(Q)): if i != j and Q[i][j] != 0: rzz(gamma/2*Q[i][j], qv[i], qv[j]) return QUBO_cost_operator
[docs] def QUBO_problem(Q): """ Creates a QAOA problem instance with appropriate phase separator, mixer, and classical cost function. Parameters ---------- Q : np.array QUBO matrix to solve. Returns ------- :ref:`QAOAProblem` A QAOA problem instance for a given QUBO matrix ``Q``. """ from qrisp.qaoa import QAOAProblem, RX_mixer return QAOAProblem(create_QUBO_cost_operator(Q), RX_mixer, create_QUBO_cl_cost_function(Q))
[docs] def solve_QUBO(Q, depth, shots=5000, max_iter = 50, backend = None, print_res = False): """ Solves a Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization (QUBO) problem using the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA). This function creates the QAOA problem for a given QUBO. It defines a quantum argument as a :ref:`QuantumArray` of ``len(Q)`` :ref:`QuantumVariables <QuantumVariable>` with size 1. It then runs the QAOA with the given quantum argument, ``depth`` (number of layers), maximum ``iterations`` of the classical optimizer, and ``shots`` and ``backend`` as measurement keyword arguments. The method performs classical post-processing on the solutions of the QAOA optimization: it calculates the cost for each such solution, sorts the solutions by their cost in ascending order, and returns the optimal solution. .. warning:: For small QUBO instance the number of ``shots`` typically exceeds the number of possible solutions. In this case, even QAOA with ``depth=0``, i.e., sampling from a uniform superposition, may yield the optimal solution as the classical post-processing amounts to brute force search! Performance of :meth:`solve_QUBO <qrisp.qaoa.problems.QUBO.solve_QUBO>` for small instance may not be indicative of performance for large instances. Parameters ---------- Q : np.array QUBO matrix to solve. depth : int The depth (amount of layers) of the QAOA circuit. shots : int The number of shots. The default is 5000. max_iter : int, optional The maximal amount of iterations of the ``COBYLA`` optimizer in the QAOA algorithm. The default is 50. backend : :ref:`BackendClient`, optional The backend to be used for the quantum simulation. By default, the Qrisp simulator is used. print_res : Boolean, optional If set to ``True``, the 5 best solutions are printed. The default is ``False``. Returns ------- optimal_solution : tuple A tuple where the first element is the cost value and the second element is the optimal bitstring. If ``print_res`` is set to ``True``, the function prints the 5 best solutions with their respective costs. Examples -------- :: from qrisp.qaoa import solve_QUBO import numpy as np Q = np.array( [ [-17, 10, 10, 10, 0, 20], [ 10, -18, 10, 10, 10, 20], [ 10, 10, -29, 10, 20, 20], [ 10, 10, 10, -19, 10, 10], [ 0, 10, 20, 10, -17, 10], [ 20, 20, 20, 10, 10, -28], ] ) solve_QUBO(Q, depth = 1, print_res=True) """ # Define quantum argument as a QuantumArray of len(G) QuantumVariables with size 1 or as a QuantumVariable with size len(G) qarg = QuantumArray(qtype = QuantumVariable(1), shape = len(Q)) QUBO_instance = QUBO_problem(Q) if backend is None: from qrisp.default_backend import def_backend backend = def_backend else: backend = backend # Run QAOA with given quantum arguments, depth, measurement keyword arguments and maximum iterations for optimization res =, depth, mes_kwargs={"backend" : backend, "shots" : shots}, max_iter = max_iter, init_type='tqa') # runs the simulation # Calculate the cost for each solution costs_and_solutions = [(QUBO_obj(bitstring, Q), bitstring) for bitstring in res.keys()] # Sort the solutions by their cost in ascending order sorted_costs_and_solutions = sorted(costs_and_solutions, key=itemgetter(0)) optimal_solution = sorted_costs_and_solutions[0] if print_res is True: # Get the best solutions and print them for i in range(5): print(f"Solution {i+1}: {sorted_costs_and_solutions[i][1]} with cost: {sorted_costs_and_solutions[i][0]} and probability: {res[sorted_costs_and_solutions[i][1]]}") return optimal_solution