Source code for qrisp.jasp.program_control.rus

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* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
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import inspect

from jax.lax import while_loop, cond
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp

from qrisp.circuit import XGate
from qrisp.jasp import TracingQuantumSession, AbstractQubitArray, DynamicQubitArray, qache
from qrisp.jasp.primitives import Measurement_p, OperationPrimitive, get_qubit_p, get_size_p, delete_qubits_p, reset_p

[docs] def RUS(*trial_function, **jit_kwargs): r""" Decorator to deploy repeat-until-success (RUS) components. At the core, RUS repeats a given quantum subroutine followed by a qubit measurement until the measurement returns the value ``1``. This step is prevalent in many important algorithms, among them the `HHL algorithm <>`_ or the `LCU procedure <>`_. Within Jasp, RUS steps can be realized by providing the quantum subroutine as a "trial function", which returns a boolean value (the repetition condition) and possibly other return values. It is important to note that the trial function can not receive quantum arguments. This is because after each trial, a new copy of these arguments would be required to perform the next iteration, which is prohibited by the no-clone theorem. It is however legal to provide classical arguments. Parameters ---------- trial_function : callable A function returning a boolean value as the first return value. More return values are possible. static_argnums : int or list[int], optional A list of integers specifying which arguments are considered static in the sense of `jax.jit <>`_. The first argument is indicated by 1, the second by 2, etc. The default is ``[]``. static_argnames : str or list[str], optional A list of strings specifying which arguments are considered static in the sense of `jax.jit <>`_. The default is ``[]``. Returns ------- callable A function that performs the RUS protocol with the trial function. The return values of this function are the return values of the trial function WITHOUT the boolean value. Examples -------- To demonstrate the RUS behavior, we initialize a GHZ state .. math:: \ket{\psi} = \frac{\ket{00000} + \ket{11111}}{\sqrt{2}} and measure the first qubit into a boolean value. This will be the value to cancel the repetition. This will collapse the GHZ state into either $\ket{00000}$ (which will cause a new repetition) or $\ket{11111}$, which cancels the loop. After the repetition is canceled we are therefore guaranteed to have the latter state. :: from qrisp.jasp import RUS, make_jaspr from qrisp import QuantumFloat, h, cx, measure @RUS def rus_trial_function(): qf = QuantumFloat(5) h(qf[0]) for i in range(1, 5): cx(qf[0], qf[i]) cancelation_bool = measure(qf[0]) return cancelation_bool, qf def call_RUS_example(): qf = rus_trial_function() return measure(qf) Create the ``jaspr`` and simulate: :: jaspr = make_jaspr(call_RUS_example)() print(jaspr()) # Yields, 31 which is the decimal version of 11111 **Static arguments** To demonstrate the specification of static arguments, we will realize implement a simple `linear combination of unitaries <>`_. Our implementation initializes a state of the form .. math:: \left( \sum_{i = 0}^N c_i U_i \right) \ket{0}. We achieve this by specifying a set of unitaries $U_i$ in the form of a tuple of functions, each processing a :ref:`QuantumFloat`. The coefficients $c_i$ are specified through a function preparing the state .. math:: \ket{\psi} = \sum_{i = 0}^N c_i \ket{i} For the state preparation function we specify two options to experiment with. A two qubit uniform superposition and a function that brings only the first qubit into superpostion. :: def state_prep_full(qv): h(qv[0]) h(qv[1]) def state_prep_half(qv): h(qv[0]) For the first one we have $c_0 = c_1 = c_2 = c_3 = \sqrt{0.25}$. The second one gives $c_0 = c_1 = \sqrt{0.5}$ and $c_2 = c_3 = 0$. The next step is to define the unitaries $U_i$ in the form of a tuple of functions. :: from qrisp.jasp import * from qrisp import * def case_function_0(x): x += 3 def case_function_1(x): x += 4 def case_function_2(x): x += 5 def case_function_3(x): x += 6 case_functions = (case_function_0, case_function_1, case_function_2, case_function_3) These functions each represent the unitary: .. math:: U_i \ket{0} = \ket{i+3} Executing a linear combination of unitaries therefore gives .. math:: \left( \sum_{i = 0}^N c_i U_i \right) \ket{0} = \sum_{i = 0}^N c_i \ket{i+3} Now we implement the LCU procedure. :: # Specify the corresponding arguments of the block encoding as "static", # i.e. compile time constants. @RUS(static_argnums = [2,3]) def block_encoding(return_size, state_preparation, case_functions): # This QuantumFloat will be returned qf = QuantumFloat(return_size) # Specify the QuantumVariable that indicates, which # case to execute n = int(np.ceil(np.log2(len(case_functions)))) case_indicator = QuantumFloat(n) # Turn into a list of qubits case_indicator_qubits = [case_indicator[i] for i in range(n)] # Perform the LCU protocoll with conjugate(state_preparation)(case_indicator): for i in range(len(case_functions)): with control(case_indicator_qubits, ctrl_state = i): case_functions[i](qf) # Compute the success condition success_bool = (measure(case_indicator) == 0) return success_bool, qf Finally, evaluate via the :ref:`terminal_sampling <terminal_sampling>` feature: :: @terminal_sampling def main(): return block_encoding(4, state_prep_full, case_functions) print(main()) # Yields: {3.0: 0.25, 4.0: 0.25, 5.0: 0.25, 6.0: 0.25} Evaluate the other state preparation function :: @terminal_sampling def main(): return block_encoding(4, state_prep_half, case_functions) print(main()) # Yields: {3.0: 0.5, 4.0: 0.5} As expected, the full state preparation function yields a state proportional to .. math:: \ket{3} + \ket{4} + \ket{5} + \ket{6}. The second state preparation gives us .. math:: \ket{3} + \ket{4}. """ if len(trial_function) == 0: return lambda x : RUS(x, **jit_kwargs) else: trial_function = trial_function[0] # The idea for implementing this feature is to execute the function once # to collect the output QuantumVariable object. # Subsequently a jaspr in extracted, which is looped over until the condition is met def return_function(*trial_args): abs_qs = TracingQuantumSession.get_instance() initial_gc_mode = abs_qs.gc_mode abs_qs.gc_mode = "auto" # Execute the function first_iter_res = qache(trial_function, **jit_kwargs)(*trial_args) abs_qs.gc_mode = initial_gc_mode # Extract the jaspr eqn = jax._src.core.thread_local_state.trace_state.trace_stack.dynamic.jaxpr_stack[0].eqns[-1] ammended_trial_func_jaspr = eqn.params["jaxpr"].jaxpr from qrisp.jasp import collect_environments ammended_trial_func_jaspr = collect_environments(ammended_trial_func_jaspr) ammended_trial_func_jaspr = ammended_trial_func_jaspr.flatten_environments() # Filter out the static arguments if "static_argnums" in jit_kwargs: static_argnums = jit_kwargs["static_argnums"] if isinstance(static_argnums, int): static_argnums = [static_argnums] else: static_argnums = [] if "static_argnames" in jit_kwargs: argname_list = inspect.getfullargspec(trial_function) for i in range(len(argname_list)): if argname_list[i] in jit_kwargs["static_argnames"]: static_argnums.append(i) new_trial_args = [] for i in range(len(trial_args)): if i not in static_argnums: new_trial_args.append(trial_args[i]) trial_args = new_trial_args # Flatten the arguments and the res values arg_vals, arg_tree_def = jax.tree.flatten(trial_args) res_vals, res_tree_def = jax.tree.flatten(first_iter_res) # Next we construct the body of the loop # In order to work with the while_loop interface from jax # this function receives a tuple of arguments and also returns # a tuple. # This tuple contains several sections of argument types: # The first argument is an AbstractQuantumCircuit # The next section are the results from the previous iteration # And the final section are trial function arguments combined_args = tuple([abs_qs.abs_qc] + list(arg_vals) + list(res_vals)) n_res_vals = len(res_vals) n_arg_vals = len(arg_vals) def body_fun(args): # We now need to deallocate the AbstractQubitArrays from the previous # iteration since they are no longer needed. res_qv_vals = args[-n_res_vals:] abs_qc = args[0] for res_val in res_qv_vals: if isinstance(res_val.aval, AbstractQubitArray): abs_qc = reset_p.bind(abs_qc, res_val) abs_qc = delete_qubits_p.bind(abs_qc, res_val) # Next we evaluate the trial function by evaluating the corresponding jaspr # Prepare the arguments tuple trial_args = [abs_qc] + list(args[1:1+n_arg_vals]) # Evaluate the function trial_res = ammended_trial_func_jaspr.eval(*trial_args) # Return the results return tuple([trial_res[0]] + list(trial_args)[1:] + list(trial_res)[1:]) def cond_fun(val): # The loop cancelation index is located at the second position of the # return value tuple return ~val[1+n_arg_vals] # We now evaluate the loop # If the first iteration was already successful, we simply return the results # To realize this behavior we use a cond primitive def true_fun(combined_args): return combined_args def false_fun(combined_args): # Here is the while_loop return while_loop(cond_fun, body_fun, init_val = combined_args) # Evaluate everything combined_res = cond(first_iter_res[0], true_fun, false_fun, combined_args) # Update the AbstractQuantumCircuit abs_qs.abs_qc = combined_res[0] # Extract the results of the trial function flat_trial_function_res = combined_res[1+n_arg_vals:1+n_arg_vals+n_res_vals] # The results are however still "flattened" i.e. if the trial function # returned a QuantumVariable, they show up as a AbstractQubitArray. # We call the unflattening function with the auxiliary results values of the # first iteration and the traced values of the loop. trial_function_res = jax.tree.unflatten(res_tree_def, flat_trial_function_res) # Return the results if len(first_iter_res) == 2: return trial_function_res[1] else: return trial_function_res[1:] return return_function