* Copyright (c) 2025 the Qrisp authors
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
* This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
* Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
* Public License, v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
* with the GNU Classpath Exception which is
* available at https://www.gnu.org/software/classpath/license.html.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0 WITH Classpath-exception-2.0
from jax.core import ShapedArray
from jaxlib.xla_extension import ArrayImpl
from qrisp.circuit import Qubit, QuantumCircuit, XGate
from qrisp.core.session_merging_tools import merge, merge_sessions, multi_session_merge
from qrisp.environments import QuantumEnvironment, ClControlEnvironment
from qrisp.misc import perm_lock, perm_unlock, bin_rep
from qrisp.jasp import check_for_tracing_mode
from qrisp.core import mcx, p, rz, x
class ControlEnvironment(QuantumEnvironment):
This class behaves similarly to ConditionEnvironment but instead of a function
calculating a truth value, we supply a list of qubits.
The environment's content is then controlled on these qubits.
An alias for this QuantumEnvironment is "control".
ctrl_qubits : list[Qubit]
A list of qubits on which to control the environment's content.
ctrl_state : int/str, optional
The computational basis state which is supposed to activate the environment.
Can be supplied as a bitstring or integer. The default is "1111..".
We create a QuantumVariable and control on some of it's qubits
using the control alias ::
from qrisp import QuantumVariable, QuantumString, multi_measurement, control, h
qv = QuantumVariable(3)
q_str = QuantumString()
qv[:] = "011"
with control(qv[:2], "11"):
q_str += "hello world"
>>> print(multi_measurement([qv, q_str]))
{('011', 'aaaaaaaaaaa'): 0.5, ('111', 'hello world'): 0.5}
def __init__(self, ctrl_qubits, ctrl_state=-1, ctrl_method=None, invert = False):
if isinstance(ctrl_state, int):
if ctrl_state < 0:
ctrl_state += 2**len(ctrl_qubits)
self.ctrl_state = bin_rep(ctrl_state, len(ctrl_qubits))[::-1]
self.ctrl_state = str(ctrl_state)
if check_for_tracing_mode():
QuantumEnvironment.__init__(self, list(ctrl_qubits))
if not isinstance(ctrl_qubits, list):
ctrl_qubits = [ctrl_qubits]
if isinstance(ctrl_qubits, list):
self.arg_qs = multi_session_merge([qb.qs() for qb in ctrl_qubits])
self.arg_qs = ctrl_qubits.qs()
self.arg_qs = merge(ctrl_qubits)
self.ctrl_method = ctrl_method
if isinstance(ctrl_qubits, Qubit):
ctrl_qubits = [ctrl_qubits]
self.ctrl_qubits = ctrl_qubits
self.invert = invert
self.manual_allocation_management = True
# For more information on why this attribute is neccessary check the comment
# on the line containing subcondition_truth_values = []
self.sub_condition_envs = []
# Method to enter the environment
def __enter__(self):
if check_for_tracing_mode():
from qrisp.qtypes.quantum_bool import QuantumBool
if len(self.ctrl_qubits) == 1:
self.condition_truth_value = self.ctrl_qubits[0]
self.qbool = QuantumBool(name="ctrl_env*", qs=self.arg_qs)
self.condition_truth_value = self.qbool[0]
merge_sessions(self.env_qs, self.arg_qs)
return self.condition_truth_value
def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback):
from qrisp.environments import (
if check_for_tracing_mode():
QuantumEnvironment.__exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback)
self.parent_cond_env = None
QuantumEnvironment.__exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback)
from qrisp import ConjugationEnvironment
# Determine the parent environment
for env in self.env_qs.env_stack[::-1]:
if isinstance(env, (ControlEnvironment, ConditionEnvironment)):
self.parent_cond_env = env
if not isinstance(env, (InversionEnvironment,
if not type(env) == QuantumEnvironment:
def compile(self):
from qrisp import QuantumBool
from qrisp.environments import ConditionEnvironment, CustomControlOperation
# Create the quantum variable where the condition truth value should be saved
# Incase we have a parent environment we create two qubits because
# we use the second qubit to compute the toffoli of this one and the parent
# environments truth value in order to not have the environment operations
# controlled on two qubits
if len(self.env_data):
# The first step we have to perform is calculating the truth value of the
# environments quantum condition. For this we differentiate between
# the case that this condition is embedded in another condition or not
ctrl_qubits = list(self.ctrl_qubits)
cond_compile_ctrl_state = self.ctrl_state
if self.parent_cond_env is not None:
# In the parent case we also need to make sure that the code is executed
# if the parent environment is executed. A possible approach would be
# to control the content on both, the parent and the chield truth value.
# However, for each nesting level the gate count to generate
# the controlled-controlled-controlled... version of the gates inside
# the environment increases exponentially. Because of this we compute
# the toffoli of the parent and child truth value
# and controll the environment gates on this qubit.
# Synthesize the condition of the environment
# into the condition truth value qubit
if len(ctrl_qubits) == 1:
from qrisp.misc import retarget_instructions
self.qbool = QuantumBool(name="ctrl_env*", qs = self.env_qs)
self.env_data, [self.condition_truth_value], [self.qbool[0]]
if len(self.env_qs.data):
if isinstance(self.env_qs.data[-1], QuantumEnvironment):
env = self.env_qs.data.pop(-1)
self.condition_truth_value = self.qbool[0]
parent_ctrl_state = "1"
if isinstance(self.parent_cond_env, ControlEnvironment):
if len(self.parent_cond_env.ctrl_qubits) == 1:
if self.parent_cond_env.ctrl_state == "0" and not hasattr(self.parent_cond_env, "qbool"):
parent_ctrl_state = "0"
if self.parent_cond_env.invert:
if parent_ctrl_state == "0":
parent_ctrl_state = "1"
elif parent_ctrl_state == "1":
parent_ctrl_state = "0"
cond_compile_ctrl_state = cond_compile_ctrl_state + parent_ctrl_state
if len(ctrl_qubits) > 1:
if len(ctrl_qubits) > 5:
method = "auto"
method = "gray_pt"
# unlock(self.condition_truth_value)
# This list will contain the qubits holding the truth values of
# conditional/control environments within this environment.
# The instruction from the subcondition environments do not need to be
# controlled, since their compile method compiles their condition
# truth value based on the truth value of the parent environment.
subcondition_truth_values = [
env.condition_truth_value for env in self.sub_condition_envs
inversion_tracker = 1
# Now we need to recover the instructions from the data list
# and perform their controlled version on the condition_truth_value qubit
while self.env_data:
instruction = self.env_data.pop(0)
# If the instruction == conditional environment, compile the environment
if isinstance(instruction, (ControlEnvironment, ConditionEnvironment)):
subcondition_truth_values = [
env.condition_truth_value for env in self.sub_condition_envs
# If the instruction is a general environment, compile the instruction
# and add the compilation result to the list of instructions
# that need to be conditionally executed.
elif issubclass(instruction.__class__, QuantumEnvironment):
temp_data_list = list(self.env_qs.data)
self.env_data = list(self.env_qs.data) + self.env_data
subcondition_truth_values = [
env.condition_truth_value for env in self.sub_condition_envs
if (
instruction.op.name in ["qb_alloc", "qb_dealloc"]
and instruction.qubits[0] != self.condition_truth_value
) or instruction.op.name == "barrier":
if set(instruction.qubits).intersection(subcondition_truth_values):
# REWORK required: Condition environments evaluate their condition
# and (if within another control/condition environment) combine
# this QuantumBool (via pt toffoli) with the superior condition.
# This "combining" is done, so the condition evaluation doesn't
# have to be controlled. However, this is not properly realized
# in this method. The condition evaluation could probably work
# better using the custom control feature.
# Support for inversion of the condition without opening a new
# environment
# if set(instruction.qubits).issubset(self.user_exposed_qbool):
if set(instruction.qubits).issubset([self.condition_truth_value]) and not isinstance(instruction.op, CustomControlOperation):
if instruction.op.name == "x":
inversion_tracker *= -1
elif instruction.op.name == "p":
p(instruction.op.params[0], self.condition_truth_value)
elif instruction.op.name == "rz":
rz(instruction.op.params[0], self.condition_truth_value)
elif instruction.op.name in ["qb_alloc", "qb_dealloc"]:
raise Exception(
f"Tried to perform invalid operation {instruction.op.name} "
"on condition truth value (allowed are x, p, rz)"
if len(ctrl_qubits) == 1:
ctrl_state = self.ctrl_state
ctrl_state = "1"
if self.invert:
new_ctrl_state = ""
for c in ctrl_state:
if c == "1":
new_ctrl_state += "0"
new_ctrl_state += "1"
ctrl_state = new_ctrl_state
if self.condition_truth_value in instruction.qubits:
self.env_qs.append(convert_to_custom_control(instruction, self.condition_truth_value, invert_control = ctrl_state == "0"))
# Create controlled instruction
instruction.op = instruction.op.control(
num_ctrl_qubits=1, method=self.ctrl_method, ctrl_state=ctrl_state
# Add condition truth value qubit to the instruction qubit list
instruction.qubits = [self.condition_truth_value] + list(
# Append instruction
if inversion_tracker == -1:
if len(ctrl_qubits) > 1:
if len(ctrl_qubits) > 5:
method = "auto"
method = "gray_pt_inv"
if self.parent_cond_env is not None:
self.sub_condition_envs + [self]
def jcompile(self, eqn, context_dic):
from qrisp.jasp import extract_invalues, insert_outvalues
args = extract_invalues(eqn, context_dic)
body_jaspr = eqn.params["jaspr"]
num_ctrl = len(args) - len(body_jaspr.invars)
flattened_jaspr = body_jaspr.flatten_environments()
controlled_jaspr = flattened_jaspr.control(num_ctrl, ctrl_state = self.ctrl_state)
import jax
res = jax.jit(controlled_jaspr.eval)(*args)
# Retrieve the equation
jit_eqn = jax._src.core.thread_local_state.trace_state.trace_stack.dynamic.jaxpr_stack[0].eqns[-1]
jit_eqn.params["jaxpr"] = jax.core.ClosedJaxpr(controlled_jaspr, jit_eqn.params["jaxpr"].consts)
jit_eqn.params["name"] = "ctrl_env"
if not isinstance(res, tuple):
res = (res,)
insert_outvalues(eqn, context_dic, res)
# This function turns instructions where the definition contains CustomControlOperations
# into CustomControlOperations. For this it checks that all Instructions that are acting
# on the control_qubit are also CustomControlOperations.
# For the conversion process, this function turns all Operations which are NO custom
# controls into their regular controls.
def convert_to_custom_control(instruction, control_qubit, invert_control = False):
from qrisp.environments import CustomControlOperation
if invert_control:
qc = QuantumCircuit(len(instruction.qubits))
cusc_x = CustomControlOperation(XGate(), targeting_control = True)
qc.append(cusc_x, [qc.qubits[instruction.qubits.index(control_qubit)]])
qc.append(instruction.op, qc.qubits)
qc.append(cusc_x, [qc.qubits[instruction.qubits.index(control_qubit)]])
res = instruction.copy()
res.op = qc.to_gate()
return convert_to_custom_control(res, control_qubit)
#If the Operation is already a CustomControlOperation, do nothing
if isinstance(instruction.op, CustomControlOperation):
return instruction
# If the Operation is primitive, an error happened during compilation,
# since Operations which are not CustomControlledOperations should not target
# the control qubit
if instruction.op.definition is None:
raise Exception
#We now generate the new Instruction
new_definition = instruction.op.definition.clearcopy()
new_control_qubit = new_definition.qubits[instruction.qubits.index(control_qubit)]
#Iterate through the data
for def_instr in instruction.op.definition.data:
if new_control_qubit in def_instr.qubits:
# If the instruction is targeting the control qubit, we call the function
# recursively to make sure that we are indeed appending a custom_control
# operation
new_definition.append(convert_to_custom_control(def_instr, new_control_qubit))
# Else, we generate the operations regular control
new_op = def_instr.op.control(1)
new_definition.append(new_op, [new_control_qubit] + def_instr.qubits, def_instr.clbits)
# Create the result and modify the definition
res = instruction.copy()
res.op.definition = new_definition
res.op = CustomControlOperation(res.op, targeting_control = control_qubit in instruction.qubits)
return res
def control(*args, **kwargs):
args = list(args)
from qrisp import Qubit, QuantumBool, QuantumVariable
from qrisp.jasp import AbstractQubit, check_for_tracing_mode
if isinstance(args[0], QuantumVariable):
if isinstance(args[0], QuantumBool):
args[0] = [args[0][0]]
args[0] = list(args[0])
if not isinstance(args[0], list):
args[0] = [args[0]]
if check_for_tracing_mode():
if all(isinstance(obj, bool) for obj in [x for x in args[0]]):
return ClControlEnvironment(*args, **kwargs)
elif all(isinstance(obj, AbstractQubit) for obj in [x.aval for x in args[0]]):
return ControlEnvironment(*args, **kwargs)
elif all(isinstance(obj, ShapedArray) for obj in [x.aval for x in args[0]]):
return ClControlEnvironment(*args, **kwargs)
raise Exception(f"Don't know how to control from input type {args[0]}")
if all(isinstance(obj, (Qubit, QuantumBool)) for obj in args[0]):
return ControlEnvironment(*args, **kwargs)
elif all(isinstance(obj, bool) for obj in [x for x in args[0]]):
return ClControlEnvironment(*args, **kwargs)
elif all(isinstance(obj, ArrayImpl) for obj in [x for x in args[0]]):
args[0] = [bool(bit) for bit in args[0]]
return ClControlEnvironment(*args, **kwargs)
raise Exception(f"Don't know how to control from input type {args[0]}")