* Copyright (c) 2025 the Qrisp authors
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
* This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
* Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
* Public License, v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
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* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0 WITH Classpath-exception-2.0
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import dill as pickle
class VQEBenchmark:
This class is a wrapper for representing and evaluating the data collected in the :meth:`.benchmark <qrisp.qaoa.QAOAProblem.benchmark>` method.
layer_depth : list[int]
The amount of VQE layers for each run.
circuit_depth : list[int]
The depth of the compiled circuit of each run.
qubit_amount : list[int]
The amount of qubits of the compiled circuit of each run.
precision : list[float]
The precision with which the expectation of the Hamiltonian is evaluated.
iterations : list[int]
The amount of backend calls of each run.
energy : list[dict]
The energy of the problem Hamiltonian for the optimized ciruits for each run.
runtime : list[float]
The amount of time passed (in seconds) of each run.
optimal_energy : float
The exact ground state energy of the problem Hamiltonian.
hamiltonian : :ref:`QubitOperator`
The problem Hamiltonian.
def __init__(self, benchmark_data, optimal_energy, hamiltonian):
self.layer_depth = benchmark_data["layer_depth"]
self.circuit_depth = benchmark_data["circuit_depth"]
self.qubit_amount = benchmark_data["qubit_amount"]
self.precision = benchmark_data["precision"]
self.iterations = benchmark_data["iterations"]
self.energy= benchmark_data["energy"]
self.runtime = benchmark_data["runtime"]
self.optimal_energy= optimal_energy
self.hamiltonian = hamiltonian
def evaluate(self, cost_metric = "oqv", gain_metric = "approx_ratio"):
Evaluates the data in terms of a cost and a gain metric.
**Cost metric**
The default cost metric is overall quantum volume
.. math::
\text{OQV} = \text{circuit_depth} \times \text{qubits} \times \text{shots} \times \text{iterations}
where $\text{shots} = 1/\text{precision}^2$. The acutal number of shots exhibits a scaling factor that depends on the Hamiltonian.
For different Hamiltonians, the results for the OQV metric are not comparable.
**Gain metric**
By default, two gain metrics are available.
The `approximation ratio <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Approximation_algorithm>`_
is a standard quantity in approximation algorithms and can be selected by
setting ``gain_metric = "approx_ratio"``.
Users can implement their own cost/gain metric by calling ``.evaluate`` with a suited function.
For more information check the examples.
cost_metric : str or callable, optional
The method to evaluate the cost of each run. The default is "oqv".
gain_metric : str or callable, optional
The method to evaluate the gain of each run. The default is "approx_ratio".
cost_data : list[float]
A list containing the cost values of each run.
gain_data : list[float]
A list containing the gain of each run.
We set up a Heisenberg problem instance and perform some benchmarking.
from qrisp import QuantumVariable
from qrisp.vqe.problems.heisenberg import *
from networkx import Graph
G = Graph()
vqe = heisenberg_problem(G,1,0)
H = create_heisenberg_hamiltonian(G,1,0)
benchmark_data = vqe.benchmark(qarg = QuantumVariable(5),
depth_range = [1,2,3],
precision_range = [0.02,0.01],
iter_range = [25,50],
optimal_energy = H.ground_state_energy(),
repetitions = 2
We now evaluate the cost using the default metrics.
cost_data, gain_data = benchmark_data.evaluate()
#Yields: [7812500.0, 7812500.0, 15625000.0, 15625000.0, 31250000.0, 31250000.0, 62500000.0, 62500000.0, 14687500.0, 14687500.0]
#Yields: [0.8611554188923896, 0.8585520978550613, 0.8581865630518749, 0.8576694650376105, 0.8589623529655623, 0.8594148020629763, 0.8591696326013233, 0.8597669545624406, 0.9715380139717106, 0.9490977432492607]
To set up a user specified cost metric we create a customized function
def runtime(run_data):
return run_data["runtime"]
cost_data, gain_data = benchmark_data.evaluate(cost_metric = runtime)
This function extracts the runtime (in seconds) and uses that as a cost metric.
The ``run_data`` dictionary contains the following entries:
* ``layer_depth``: The amount of layers
* ``circuit_depth``: The depth of the compiled circuit as returned by :meth:`.depth <qrisp.QuantumCircuit.depth>` method.
* ``qubit_amount``: The amount of qubits of the compiled circuit.
* ``precision``: The precision with which the expectation of the Hamiltonian is evaluated.
* ``iterations``: The amount of backend calls, that the optimizer was allowed to do.
* ``energy``: The energy of the problem Hamiltonian for the optimized ciruits for each run.
* ``runtime``: The time (in seconds) that the ``run`` method of :ref:`VQEProblem` took.
* ``optimal_energy``: The exact ground state energy of the problem Hamiltonian.
if isinstance(cost_metric, str):
if cost_metric == "oqv":
cost_metric = overall_quantum_volume
raise Exception(f"Cost metric {cost_metric} is unknown")
if isinstance(gain_metric, str):
if gain_metric == "approx_ratio":
gain_metric = lambda x : approximation_ratio(x["energy"], self.optimal_energy)
raise Exception(f"Gain metric {gain_metric} is unknown")
cost_data = []
gain_data = []
for i in range(len(self.layer_depth)):
run_data = {"layer_depth" : self.layer_depth[i],
"circuit_depth" : self.circuit_depth[i],
"qubit_amount" : self.qubit_amount[i],
"precision" : self.precision[i],
"iterations" : self.iterations[i],
"energy" : self.energy[i],
"runtime" : self.runtime[i],
"optimal_energy" : self.optimal_energy
return cost_data, gain_data
def visualize(self, cost_metric = "oqv", gain_metric = "approx_ratio"):
Plots the results of :meth:`.evaluate <qrisp.vqe.VQEBenchmark.evaluate>`.
cost_metric : str or callable, optional
The method to evaluate the cost of each run. The default is "oqv".
gain_metric : str or callable, optional
The method to evaluate the gain of each run. The default is "approx_ratio".
We create a Heisenberg problem instance and benchmark several parameters:
from qrisp import QuantumVariable
from qrisp.vqe.problems.heisenberg import *
from networkx import Graph
G = Graph()
vqe = heisenberg_problem(G,1,0)
H = create_heisenberg_hamiltonian(G,1,0)
benchmark_data = vqe.benchmark(qarg = QuantumVariable(5),
depth_range = [1,2,3],
precision_range = [0.02,0.01],
iter_range = [25,50],
optimal_energy = H.ground_state_energy(),
repetitions = 2
To visualize the results, we call the corresponding method.
.. image:: vqe_benchmark_plot.png
cost_data, gain_data = self.evaluate(cost_metric, gain_metric)
plt.plot(cost_data, gain_data, "x")
if isinstance(cost_metric, str):
if cost_metric == "oqv":
cost_name = "Overall quantum volume"
cost_name = cost_metric.__name__
if isinstance(gain_metric, str):
if gain_metric == "approx_ratio":
gain_name = "Approximation ratio"
gain_name = gain_metric.__name__
def rank(self, metric = "approx_ratio", print_res = False, average_repetitions = False):
Ranks the runs of the benchmark according to a given metric.
The default metric is approximation ratio. Similar to :meth:`.evaluate <qrisp.vqe.VQEBenchmark.evaluate>`,
the metric can be user specified.
metric : str or callable, optional
The metric according to which should be ranked. The default is "approx_ratio".
List of dictionaries, where the first element has the highest rank.
We create a Heisenberg problem instance and benchmark several parameters:
from qrisp import QuantumVariable
from qrisp.vqe.problems.heisenberg import *
from networkx import Graph
G = Graph()
vqe = heisenberg_problem(G,1,0)
H = create_heisenberg_hamiltonian(G,1,0)
benchmark_data = vqe.benchmark(qarg = QuantumVariable(5),
depth_range = [1,2,3],
precision_range = [0.02,0.01],
iter_range = [25,50],
optimal_energy = H.ground_state_energy(),
repetitions = 2
To rank the results, we call the according method:
#Yields: {'layer_depth': 3, 'circuit_depth': 69, 'qubit_amount': 5, 'precision': 0.01, 'iterations': 50, 'runtime': 1.996392011642456, 'optimal_energy': -7.711545013271988, 'energy': -7.572235160661036, 'metric': 0.9819348973038227}
if isinstance(metric, str):
if metric == "approx_ratio":
def approx_ratio(x):
return approximation_ratio(x["energy"], self.optimal_energy)
metric = approx_ratio
run_data_list = []
if average_repetitions:
# Create a dictionary to store aggregated averages
average_dict = {}
for i in range(len(self.layer_depth)):
run_data = {"layer_depth": self.layer_depth[i],
"circuit_depth": self.circuit_depth[i],
"qubit_amount": self.qubit_amount[i],
"precision": self.precision[i],
"iterations": self.iterations[i],
"runtime": self.runtime[i],
"optimal_energy": self.optimal_energy,
"energy" : self.energy[i]
run_data["metric"] = metric(run_data)
if average_repetitions:
# Create a unique key based on the parameters
key = (run_data['layer_depth'], run_data['precision'], run_data['iterations'])
# Add the result to the corresponding key in the dictionary
if key not in average_dict:
average_dict[key] = {
'total_metric': 0,
'count': 0
average_dict[key]['total_metric'] += metric(run_data)
average_dict[key]['count'] += 1
if average_repetitions:
# Calculate the average for each unique parameter combination
temp = list(run_data_list)
run_data_list = []
for run_data in temp:
key = (run_data['layer_depth'], run_data['precision'], run_data['iterations'])
if not key in average_dict:
run_data['metric'] = average_dict[key]['total_metric'] / average_dict[key]['count']
del run_data["energy"]
del run_data["runtime"]
del average_dict[key]
run_data_list.sort(key=lambda x: x["metric"], reverse=True)
if print_res:
self.print_rank_table(run_data_list, metric.__name__)
return run_data_list
def print_rank_table(self, run_data_list, metric_name):
Prints a nicely formatted table of the ranked runs.
run_data_list : list[dict]
List of dictionaries containing run data.
metric : function
Function to rank the run data
header = ["Rank", metric_name, "Overall QV", "p", "QC depth", "QB count", "Precision", "Iterations"]
# Print the header row
print("{:<5} {:<12} {:<12} {:<4} {:<10} {:<9} {:<7} {:<10}".format(*header))
for i, run_data in enumerate(run_data_list):
oqv = sci_notation(overall_quantum_volume(run_data), 4)
metric_value = sci_notation(run_data["metric"], 3)
row = [i, metric_value, oqv, run_data["layer_depth"], run_data["circuit_depth"], run_data["qubit_amount"],
run_data["precision"], run_data["iterations"]]
# Print each row
print("{:<5} {:<12} {:<12} {:<4} {:<10} {:<9} {:<7} {:<10}".format(*row))
def save(self, filename):
Saves the data to the harddrive for later use.
filename : string
The filename where to save the data.
We create a Heisenberg problem and benchmark several parameters:
from qrisp import QuantumVariable
from qrisp.vqe.problems.heisenberg import *
from networkx import Graph
G = Graph()
vqe = heisenberg_problem(G,1,0)
H = create_heisenberg_hamiltonian(G,1,0)
benchmark_data = vqe.benchmark(qarg = QuantumVariable(5),
depth_range = [1,2,3],
precision_range = [0.02,0.01],
iter_range = [25,50],
optimal_energy = H.ground_state_energy(),
repetitions = 2
To save the results, we call the according method.
with open(filename, 'wb') as file:
pickle.dump(self, file)
print(f"Benchmark data saved to {filename}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error saving benchmark data: {e}")
def load(cls, filename):
Loads benchmark data from the harddrive that has been saved by
:meth:`.save <qrisp.vqe.VQEBenchmark.save>`.
filename : string
The filename to load from.
obj : VQEBenchmark
The loaded data.
We assume that the code from the example in :meth:`.save <qrisp.vqe.VQEBenchmark.save>`
has been executed and load the corresponding data:
from qrisp.vqe import VQEBenchmark
benchmark_data = VQEBenchmark.load("example.vqe")
with open(filename, 'rb') as file:
obj = pickle.load(file)
return obj
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error loading benchmark data: {e}")
return None
# create qScore
def overall_quantum_volume(run_data):
return run_data["circuit_depth"]*run_data["qubit_amount"]*1/(run_data["precision"])**2*run_data["iterations"]
def approximation_ratio(energy, optimal_energy):
energy : float
The energy of the problem Hamiltonian for the optimized ciruit.
optimal_energy: float
The optimal energy of the problem Hamiltonian.
The approximation ratio.
return energy/optimal_energy
def ilog(n, base):
Find the integer log of n with respect to the base.
>>> import math
>>> for base in range(2, 16 + 1):
... for n in range(1, 1000):
... assert ilog(n, base) == int(math.log(n, base) + 1e-10), '%s %s' % (n, base)
if abs(n) < 1:
n = 1/n
count = 0
while n >= base:
count += 1
n //= base
return count
def sci_notation(n, prec=3):
Represent n in scientific notation, with the specified precision.
>>> sci_notation(1234 * 10**1000)
>>> sci_notation(10**1000 // 2, prec=1)
base = 10
exponent = ilog(n, base)
if abs(n) < 1:
exponent = -exponent
mantissa = n / base**exponent
return '{0:.{1}f}e{2:+d}'.format(mantissa, prec, exponent)