* Copyright (c) 2025 the Qrisp authors
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
* This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
* Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
* Public License, v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
* with the GNU Classpath Exception which is
* available at https://www.gnu.org/software/classpath/license.html.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0 WITH Classpath-exception-2.0
from qrisp.core.gate_application_functions import h
from qrisp.alg_primitives.qft import QFT
from qrisp.jasp import jrange
def QPE(
args, U, precision=None, target=None, iter_spec=False, ctrl_method=None, kwargs={}
Evaluates the `quantum phase estimation algorithm
The unitary to estimate is expected to be given as Python function, which is called
on ``args``.
args : list
A list of arguments (could be QuantumVariables) which represent the state,
the quantum phase estimation is performed on.
U : function
A Python function, which will receive the list ``args`` as arguments in the
course of this algorithm.
precision : int, optional
The precision of the estimation. The default is None.
target : QuantumFloat, optional
A target QuantumFloat to perform the estimation into. The default is None.
If given neither a precision nor a target, an Exception will be raised.
iter_spec : bool, optional
If set to ``True``, ``U`` will be called with the additional keyword
``iter = i`` where ``i`` is the amount of iterations to perform (instead of
simply calling ``U`` for ``i`` times). The default is False.
ctrl_method : string, optional
Allows to specify which method should be used to generate the
controlled U circuit. For more information check
:meth:`.control <qrisp.Operation.control>`. The default is None.
kwargs : dict, optional
A dictionary of keyword arguments to pass to ``U``. The default is {}.
Tried to perform quantum phase estimation without precision specification.
res : QuantumFloat
The QuantumFloat containing the estimated phase as a fraction of $2 \pi$.
We define a function that applies two phase gates onto its input and estimate the
applied phase. ::
from qrisp import p, QuantumVariable, QPE, multi_measurement
def U(qv):
x = 0.5
y = 0.125
p(x*2*np.pi, qv[0])
p(y*2*np.pi, qv[1])
qv = QuantumVariable(2)
res = QPE(qv, U, precision = 3)
>>> multi_measurement([qv, res])
{('00', 0.0): 0.25,
('10', 0.5): 0.25,
('01', 0.125): 0.25,
('11', 0.625): 0.25}
>>> res.qs.depth()
During the phase estimation, ``U`` is called $2^{\text{precision}}$ times. We can
reduce that number by abusing that we can bundle repeated calls into a single call
with a modified phase. ::
def U(qv, iter = None):
x = 0.5
y = 0.125
p(x*2*np.pi*iter, qv[0])
p(y*2*np.pi*iter, qv[1])
qv = QuantumVariable(2)
res = QPE(qv, U, precision = 3, iter_spec = True)
>>> multi_measurement([qv, res])
{('00', 0.0): 0.25,
('10', 0.5): 0.25,
('01', 0.125): 0.25,
('11', 0.625): 0.25}
>>> res.qs.depth()
from qrisp import QuantumFloat, control
if target is None:
if precision is None:
raise Exception(
"Tried to perform quantum phase estimation without"
"precision specification"
qpe_res = QuantumFloat(precision, -precision, signed=False)
qpe_res = target
for i in jrange(qpe_res.size):
if iter_spec:
with control(qpe_res[i], ctrl_method=ctrl_method):
U(args, iter=2**i, **kwargs)
with control(qpe_res[i], ctrl_method=ctrl_method):
for j in jrange(2**i):
U(args, **kwargs)
QFT(qpe_res, inv=True)
return qpe_res