Source code for qaoa.problems.maxSatInfrastr

* Copyright (c) 2023 the Qrisp authors
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
* This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
* Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
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* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0 WITH Classpath-exception-2.0

from qrisp import QuantumVariable, h, barrier, rz, rx , cx, QuantumArray,x 
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from sympy import Symbol
import itertools
from _collections_abc import Iterable

[docs] def maxSatCostOp(problem): """ | Implementation for MaxSat Cost-Operator, in accordance to the original QAOA-paper. | For each clause :math:`C_i` apply :math:`C_i(x) = 1 - \prod_j x_j` (replace :math:`x_j` with :math:`(1-x_j)` if :math:`x_j` is negated). The problem operator is acquired with the substitution :math:`x_j = (I - Z_j)` , where :math:`Z_j` is the Pauli- :math:`Z` operator applied to the :math:`j` -th qubit. Parameters ---------- clauses : List(Lists) Clauses to be considered for MaxSat. Should be given as a list of lists and 1-indexed instead 0-indexed, see example Returns ------- QuantumCircuit: qrisp.QuantumCircuit the Operator applied to the circuit-QuantumVariable Examples -------- >>> clauses11 = (6, [[1,2,-3], [1,4,-6], [4,5,6], [1,3,-4], [2,4,5], [1,3,5], [-2,-3,6]]) | Explanation: | First entry of tuple is the number of variables, second is the clauses | Clause [1, 2, -4] is fulfilled by the QuantumStates "1100", "1110" * if the sign is positive : the index has of the QuantumVariable to be "1", if negative sign the index has to be "0". * indices not mentioned can be "0" or "1" (the third integer in this case). * start with 1 in your clauses! because ``int 0`` has no sign and this is problematic. * we want to keep the mathematical formulation, so no handing over strings! Assign the operators >>> cost_operator=maxSatCostOp(clauses11), >>> mixer=RX_mixer """ clauses = problem[1] if not isinstance(clauses, Iterable): raise Exception("Wrong structure of problem - clauses have to be iterable!") satlen = len(clauses[0]) for index in range(len(clauses)): if not satlen ==len(clauses[index]): raise Exception("Wrong structure of problem - inconsistent length in clause " + str(index)) if not isinstance(clauses[index], Iterable): raise Exception("Wrong structure of problem - each clauses has to be an array! Problem in clause " + str(index)) for item in clauses[index]: if not isinstance(item, int): raise Exception("Wrong structure of problem - each literal has to an int!") def maxSatcostEmbed(qv , gamma): #clauses = clauses qc = qv for numClause in range(len(clauses)): #go through clauses clause = clauses[numClause] for lenofCombination in range(1,satlen+1): # get all combinations to assign rz, rzz, rzzz, rzzzzzz.... combinations = list(itertools.combinations(clause, lenofCombination)) #print(combinations) #len == 1: just rz if lenofCombination == 1: for index in range(len(combinations)): # sign for rz mixer signu = - np.sign(combinations[index][0]) # always have the "-1" at the end since clauses are not initiated with 0, see above #print(abs( combinations[index][0] - 1 )) rz(signu * gamma/8, qc[ abs( combinations[index][0]) -1 ] ) else: #for all combinations of this length for index in range(len(combinations)): signu = 1 # up to final value in combination perform cx gates --> set up the rzz, rzzz, rzzzz ... gates for index2 in range(lenofCombination-1): # (also remember the sign) signu *= - np.sign(combinations[index][index2]) cx(qc[abs( combinations[index][index2] ) -1], qc[abs( combinations[index][index2+1] ) -1]) signu *= np.sign(combinations[index][lenofCombination-1]) # finalize rzz, rzzz, rzzzz ... gates rz(signu*gamma/8, qc[abs( combinations[index][lenofCombination-1] ) -1]) # and cnot gates back for index2 in reversed(range(lenofCombination-1)): cx( qc[abs(combinations[index][index2] ) -1], qc[abs(combinations[index][index2+1] ) -1 ]) return qc return maxSatcostEmbed
[docs] def clausesdecoder(problem): """ Decodes the clause arrays to represent binary bitstrings, that fulfill the clauses --> used to calculate objective function, i.e. the classical cost function Parameters ---------- clauses : List(List) clauses to be considered for maxSat (! 1-indexed, instead of 0-indexed, see example above) numVars : int the total amount of Variables considered within the clauses Returns ------- decodedClauses : Iterable(tuple) clauses as bitstrings, to be compared to the QAOA-bitstring results Examples -------- As above: >>> clauses11 = [[1,2,-3], [1,4,-6], [4,5,6], [1,3,-4], [2,4,5], [1,3,5], [-2,-3,6]] >>> decodedClauses = clausesdecoder( clauses = clauses11, numVars = 6) Assign ``cost_function`` >>> cl_cost_function=maxSatclCostfct(decodedClauses) """ numVars = problem[0] clauses = problem[1] # create all bitstring possibilites binStrings = list(itertools.product([0,1], repeat=numVars)) decodedClauses = [] for indexClauses in range(len(clauses)): # create temp placeholder tempIter = binStrings clause = clauses[indexClauses] for index in clause: val = abs(index)-1 temp = 1 if np.sign(index) == 1 else 0 # placeholder only keeps to bitstrings that fulfill the clause-conditions tempIter = [ thing for thing in tempIter if thing[val] == temp ] # turn to str, since QAOA return is dict of str tempIter2 = ["".join(map(str, item)) for item in tempIter] decodedClauses.append(tuple(tempIter2)) return decodedClauses
[docs] def maxSatclCostfct(problem): """ Parameters ---------- decodedClauses : Iterable(tuple) clauses as bitstrings, as returned by ``clausesdecoder()`` helper function Returns ------- Costfunction : function the classical function for the problem instance, which takes a dictionary of measurement results as input """ decodedClauses = clausesdecoder(problem) def setupaClCostfct(res_dic): energy = 0 total_counts = 0 for state in list(res_dic.keys()): obj = 0 #literally just do a minus 1 op if state is equiv to a given condition for index in range(len(decodedClauses)): if state in decodedClauses[index]: obj -= 1 energy += obj * res_dic[state] total_counts += res_dic[state] #print(energy/total_counts) return energy/total_counts return setupaClCostfct
def init_state(qv): h(qv) return qv